Saturday, November 7, 2020

Heaven's Side and Satan's Side (2)

Heaven's Side and Satan's Side (2)

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

February 20, 1983, Belvedere, Translator - Bo Hi Pak

Now you know why God could never claim Satan as His own and why Satan could not do the same for God. How would you create the Kingdom of Heaven on earth? How should God go about it? There is a very simple answer to that question: the Heavenly Kingdom will be erected by those people who are like God, possessing unchanging, eternal, and unique character. As such people come together one by one and create families, a society and a nation, that will become the Heavenly Kingdom on earth. The key to the problem does not rest with the society, the nation, nor the spirit world-it rests upon you, the individual. You will determine the showdown between good and evil, the beginning point of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Evaluate yourselves as Unification Church members. Do you think there might be some new ideology or belief that could be presented and shake us all up and change our minds? Is that the kind of shakable belief you possess? On the other hand, do we possess the kind of belief that can change communists and bring them to our side? Do you think we shall be the ones to be digested by the secular world or shall we digest them? Will you members of the Unification Church be assimilated by mainstream Christianity or shall we be the ones who can revive Christianity?

Shall we be the ones to be "liberated" by the other religions such as Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and so forth? Or shall we be in the position to unite those religions and guide them to find the culmination of their beliefs within our teachings? As soon as God sees that the Unification Church is truly representing Him and has the power to influence the world in such a way won't God take great joy in that? Satan, on the other hand, will feel great fear and unhappiness. He will say, "That Reverend Moon! He has taken away almost all of my kingdom and he is getting closer and closer to me." Therefore, Satan will make Reverend Moon his first target.

Satan's secret weapon for conquering men is their love of women. Therefore in order for the Unification Church to avoid repeating the historical mistake of fallen love, we make the clear policy that our men will not chase after women. Do you think I am speaking about this in order to torment women, or am I telling the truth, regardless of how it feels to you? This is important to speak about because my only motivation is to protect and further God's side in this world. Historical mistakes must be evaluated so that we won't repeat them. Even women, therefore, must gladly accept these statements. You Western men do not deserve my praise! Western men are deeply involved in such impure things as smoking, drinking, drugs and chasing women. If you answer, "Not any more," that means you used to be!

When I came to this country, I knew that I would be the object of temptation from Western women. That is why I made the rule that no women should kiss me in greeting. It is very important. In order to protect God's side, such a rule is absolutely essential. It is mankind who is sought after by both God and Satan but the central core of men and women is their love. Satan promotes changeable love, illicit love. God promotes unchangeable, sacrificial, unique love. From this point of view, we can clearly see that our world has not been God's world but has rather been Satan's world. The Unification Church has declared without any hesitation that this situation is evil and that we are going to bring purification to our society without any compromise. Satan is promoting all kinds of evils by trying to justify all immoral deeds, including free sex, drugs, adultery, homosexuality, and so forth. But the Unification Church has come out clearly defining what is wrong and what is right; we are bringing the absolute standard according to God's judgment.

I want you to understand that the Unification Church is not just anti-immorality. Rather, the church and Reverend Moon are promoting a Heavenly ideal of Heavenly love and Heavenly society so that mankind can live as one family under God. For that reason we have special international marriages which are transcendent of race or nationality. We are coming together as the family of man-black, white, yellow, red-everyone is part of that family. This is what Satan abhors the most and cannot deal with; such a thing never happened before in the satanic world and there is no way he can duplicate it. We are going to uphold this standard of unchanging, eternal love before all of the world. Therefore do not worry about being accused and persecuted because of upholding such principles. No matter what, you are on the strong side because you are on the side of God. You can be absolutely sure that when you are upholding such a truth and principle, God is one thousand percent on your side. How wonderful that is!

Even though you may not have an abundant material life, eating and dressing well, that is not what counts. What is important is that you are walking towards an eternal goal of goodness on the side of God. We know we shall be vindicated. You can tell the satanic world, "Do what you will, I will not change my work at all. I am going to continue to bring people into this constructive new goal. Each day I am so busy I can forget the passage of time, forgetting even to eat, because I am working to bring more and more people to this way of life."

Judge yourself. Compared to the life you were living before you met Reverend Moon, have you come closer to God or to Satan? No matter what people may say, it is true that you are closer to God. How much closer is up to you, but one thing is certain: your direction changed from toward Satan to growing closer to God.

Now we have a clear concept of good and evil. A "good man" is one who has unchanging, eternal, and unique character. Why is gold so precious and so expensive? It is because gold has an unchanging character-you can melt it, freeze it and no matter what, it remains the same. Gold is always gold. Why are pearls so precious? They have a harmonizing ability; they can beautifully complement any surroundings. Why are diamonds so precious? They are completely hard and will never break down; diamonds can break other things, but nothing can break a diamond.

Those precious jewels have value to human lives; by the same token, people who are like gold, pearls, and diamonds have great value because of their unchanging character. The very day when Reverend Moon learned the truth, he began to walk in that direction and not one iota has changed. Although his surroundings have always tried to change Reverend Moon-the governments and people around me-I haven't changed my standard at all. Instead I have been slowly but surely causing change in the societies of Korea and Japan as well as America. Eventually the entire world will be influenced toward God; Reverend Moon will not change even one iota in the direction of the world.

Reverend Moon stands like a rock-unchanging. Therefore, from the perspective of history he is an extraordinary occurrence in the world. For this reason all the challenges have come against me, even the United States government. However you will see that Reverend Moon will not break. The United States will change and international communism will change as well. This is because Reverend Moon represents God and God's truth and principle is protecting me. Many people look at me and wonder how the Unification Church and I could survive and prosper; they think it is an impossibility.

Although the U.S. government indicted me and brought me into a court battle, this doesn't discourage me at all. During that time, I conducted the blessing of 2,O75 couples at Madison Square Garden, I inspired the creation of the Washington Times, and we held a larger blessing in Korea. Reverend Moon was not hampered in any way from going God's way. During the entire time of the court battle, instead of the lawyers taking care of and comforting Reverend Moon, I was busy comforting and encouraging the lawyers.

You women answer me, would you prefer to have a husband who is unchangeable even though he might be as ugly as an Idaho potato? Perhaps Unification men are very tasteless; they have no charm, no diplomacy, and no appeal, like Idaho potatoes. But as long as you can find that one quality within them-that they are absolutely on God's side-then that is all you need. Such a person is the man you want and need.

You can understand clearly now the difference between good and evil. You can clearly judge whether a person is a good person or whether he is behaving in an evil way. Also you know that God and Satan can never make peace with each other; coexistence for them is impossible. Between the two, one must go. Now you know the secret-people are the ones to decide the victory of God or Satan. Once you decide to go with God, Satan will be destroyed.

There is no absolute goodness in either of the two world camps-neither in the free world or the communist world. However the free world at least gives recognition to the original principles of goodness. The communist world totally changed all the rules and created a new set based on lies and deception. Just by observing the actions of communists we can learn a lot. They have tried to initiate an arms limitations treaty between the U.S. and the Soviets but what is their motivation? They can trust that the U.S. will abide by the terms of such a treaty while they will be free to build any weapons they desire. That has been their tradition.

In Korea the 1953 armistice was declared and the communists agreed that there should be no more arms build up by either the North or the South. However, they signed the armistice only because they were on the verge of destruction. After that they were able to totally rebuild their armed forces. This is the way Satan has always worked. Those of us on God's side, knowing this fact, cannot allow ourselves to be victimized by these ancient tactics of Satan. We must put up a good self-defense.

Which of the two world camps is closer, relatively speaking, to God's side? Certainly, it is the free world. Between the free world and the Unification world, which is closer to God? Yes, it is the Unification world. God's great tragedy is that Satan can number many people in his camp; there are so many changeable people that Satan can accuse before God. But when God tries to find people He can claim as being unchangeable like Himself, He cannot find very many. It is people who make God's situation a tragic one.

Satan can arrogantly say, "Look God, I have a lot of changeable people who are immoral and have broken their families but where are there any families which are God centered, unchanging and stable that You can claim?" God cannot show Satan very many such families. That is truly a tragedy.

However, God is hopeful to someday see God-centered, prosperous, unchanging families by the thousands, the millions, like the stars in the sky. Then He can say to Satan, "Look, you were wrong. Your world is ending and My kingdom is prospering." God is looking forward to the day when He can make such a declaration, but the reality is that Satan can still say, "This is my society, my world. These people are immoral, selfish, and changing so they are my property. Where are Your people, God?" And God cannot even come up with 1% of the population to claim before such an accusation.

Satan doesn't end there. He goes on to say, "God, why don't You just give up on these people and join forces with me? Forget about the restoration of Adam and Eve. Let me take complete dominion over the world. Come to my kingdom and I will treat you well." Does God consider such an offer? Never. God cannot change or compromise Himself, no matter what. That is the greatness of God and our good fortune; we can serve and attend such a great God.

There are many churches and powerful religions all over the world but when God looks at this world He has been unable to find a family, nation or group of people who can absolutely represent His principles. All of a sudden, however, one man has showed up and has come forward saying, "Heavenly Father, I am going to stand up for Your principle, protect it, and bring the victory to You." That man is Reverend Moon. Even though Reverend Moon is physically limited to one body, he will raise up a multitude of individuals, families, and nations who will not change in their adherence to God's principles. This is his task and mission.

That is the reason why Reverend Moon has become controversial in this satanic world. If he had not become controversial, he would have been doing something wrong. Satan and his forces have the strongest reasons for coming against Reverend Moon but God and His forces are protecting me.

The final answer for the world is not just democracy, although it is relatively better than communism. Certainly communism is not going to be the answer for the world. However, the third option is a new ideology upon which the new society of the new world can be built That option is Unificationism.

As Unification Church members, we have only one source of pride -that we will not change in our faithfulness to God's principles. That is our pride, our property, our everything. We can never exchange this for all the material wealth in the world. We can never give it up because of the enticement of any satanic weapon, whether it comes through the love of the opposite sex or whatever. We must maintain our faithfulness to the absolute truth and remain as unchanging people. Our pride is to reflect God in His eternal and unchanging quality.

Rather than becoming secular kings and queens, upholding no eternal principles, we would prefer to become beggars as long as we can be faithful to God's unchanging principles. This is our pride. Therefore, when people spit at you, persecuting you strongly, don't worry. We have no time to waste worrying about such things. We must be busy pursuing our goal. The Unification Church culture shall become a tower of strength in every field-academic, religious, philosophic, political or economic-and no one will be able to diminish the strength of this tower. As this tower grows taller, God is feeling greater excitement to see it.

In our blood there are red and white cells. The white cells are like the army and the red cells are like the police. They protect life itself. Will we need an army in the Heavenly Kingdom? Just as the body always needs both its white and red blood cells, the Heavenly Kingdom will also need the services of an army and police. What would the army do in the Heavenly Kingdom? They would not be needed for wars or struggle, but they would be needed for development of the society. Perhaps all the young people would serve in the "army" for a certain period of time, building national projects, such as bridges, airports and roads.

We will definitely need such an army to construct the international highway which I proposed at the Science Conference. The Heavenly army will build the physical structures in the Heavenly society. Until such time as Satan is totally demolished, satanic forces will always be trying to infiltrate. As soon as those symptoms arise, the Heavenly army would be there to defend against them.

Our goal is basically very simple: to see a world in which each individual is born into the eternal, unchanging ideal, grows up within that ideal and then goes to Heaven within that ideal. There would be no room for mistakes but each person would go to Heaven. What is Heaven? It is the place where the people who lived an unchanging life here on earth shall dwell for eternity. Truth is basically simple.

You were blessed by True Parents. Is that a changeable or an unchangeable blessing? It is truly unchangeable. If someone feels not totally satisfied with his blessing, that is his challenge. He should say, "I want to make my love unchangeable in order to contribute to the unchangeable society. That is my challenge and I will meet it. I will recreate my changeable love into unchangeable love. Out of changeable situations, I will create an unchangeable love."

That has been the way of life of Reverend Moon. I am now 63 years old and Mother is 40. With 23 years difference in our age, this is a very unusual situation. There might be many opportunities for changeability in our relationship. When the Holy Wedding took place, I was 40 and Mother was only 17. At such a young age, no one is quite mature. That is a very changeable age but I was determined to make a marriage based upon unchangeable love. Were there no other women for me to choose from? There were plenty of women, those with all different kinds of natures. There were women with Ph.D.s and all kinds of professions to choose from. Also there were women of great beauty. However, for a certain destiny I had to choose a wife the age of a daughter. That is because according to Divine Principle the bride should not be beyond the age of 20. The fall occurred during the teen years so the restoration of Eve must come at that time.

Mother was totally innocent and didn't know the depths of the Principle. You are much luckier today; you know far more Divine Principle than she did. In this light, how can you complain? Mother is now going over the age of 40. I have absolute respect, love and admiration to her. I pay her tribute for having totally accomplished Heaven's expectations.

1945 to 1985 is the forty years period of the greatest changeability in human history. Just looking externally, we can see how many changes have occurred in the world during these forty years. There has been incredible human suffering. Colonizing nations have been overthrown and the entire international scene has gone through many convolutions. Religion has also changed a great deal. Family ethics and social ethics have changed. The so-called generation gap is a reflection of all the upheaval.

Things have become so chaotic that no one feels confident to say, "l can take care of the problems of this society." It has gone well beyond human power to solve. The concepts of family, societal responsibilities, and patriotism have been greatly eroded in the minds of young people. Thus Satan is proudly saying to God, "Look what I have accomplished in forty years! I have made everyone changeable. Forget about Your eternal, unchanging ideal, God. Even Your churches have been eroded. There are even communists running some of those churches. Every phenomenon of breakdown in society has become another proof in Satan's argument that God has totally failed.

Satan can use any area to prove his point-education, religion, business, politics, philosophy. "Look, God, they are all on my side," he is saying. Is God going to surrender to Satan? No, He is telling him, "Just wait and see." God has hope in someone because some champions are working in this world, giving substance to his hope. Those champions are the Unification Church members. Starting from the smallest level, we have fought every battle for God all the way up to the world level. We have grown from a tiny rock to the size of a mountain.

We are finally coming to the championship match, our Super bowl. We are the Heavenly Redskins, fighting against the Dolphins. We are in the forty years wilderness period and the Redskins won their first national victory in 40 years. Their quarterback had the number 7, the number of perfection. The running back, the hero, had the number 44, which is an important number. Although everyone underestimated the Redskins, I knew from the beginning they had a good reason for victory. I told Mother they would be the winners. However, at half-time, they were behind 17-10 and Mother asked me if I was still sure they would win. I just said, "Wait and see!"

The Unification Church today is in the position of the Washington Redskins. We are at the half-time now and everybody sees that the score is against us. They are saying, "They are going to lose. They have no hope." Everyone is persecuting us and they think Reverend Moon is finished. However, God is watching our game on His TV. and is saying, "Wait and see."

Sooner or later, the rest of the world will see that the Unification Church is the only hope for this world. Some people in America say, "I don't think I like Reverend Moon but look at the members of his church. They are really top-notch." Many people envy me because such wonderful people are following me, but who has brought luck to whom? Have you brought me luck, or vice-versa?

Everybody is watching to see what will happen to Reverend Moon's realm of influence. They want to see how far Reverend Moon will go. How far shall we go? How about Moscow? We "must go" to Moscow. When you go there, will you be defeated or victorious? You are not going over there to kill anyone but rather you are going there to conquer them with truth and love. Can you do it? Do you have that confidence? Do you know about the strength of the Soviet Army? Can you face them? How will you overcome them? What is your strength? Only with Hananim-God-will we win in Moscow. With the name of God we shall win.

Our slogan is "One World Under God." God knows that this nation of America will continue to follow its changeable course and will decline. The communistic world, no matter how many arms they build up, will not succeed either because they are based upon a lie. Lies cannot overcome truth permanently. God and Satan clearly see that the showdown between them is going to be conducted by the Moonies. Thus, we have in our own hands the power to decide the destiny of God and of Satan. Without the Moonies there is no place on earth for God to dwell. Thus He is actually dependent upon us.

During these next three years the Unification Church is going to demonstrate to God and to the world an unchanging, God-like quality. These next three years will be the most changeable time of all the forty years period. The world situation will fluctuate day and night but the Unification Church will be demonstrating God's unchanging characteristic. This is the time when God is asking you, His champions. to go out to the world and vindicate Him. Satan so far has been claiming all of mankind, from the individual to the world level, by making them changeable. God is asking you to go forth and change that changeable world into an unchanging world and society.

God has been struck during every moment of human history. Satan has always accused Him. Now God is asking you to go out and vindicate Him in one stroke. Do you think this should happen? This is the time when God will issue a special emergency order. This is the time we must make our resolution to march toward that goal with our whole heart, mind and body. No matter what, even if your body becomes disabled, you must determine to march forward to achieve this goal. The emergency is that great. We shall totally defeat Satan's side and declare the absolute victory for God's side.

God wants that moment to come when He is able to say, "Satan, what did I tell you? I told you to wait and see and now what do you see?" Satan will see the victory of God's unchanging group of people and will have to surrender. At that point, God can walk triumphantly into His Heavenly palace and Satan will have to crawl down into his cubbyhole somewhere in hell. The entire earth will be transformed into the Heavenly Kingdom on earth and all of Heaven will flourish forevermore. Amen! The historical accuser of God will be gone and all of his forces demolished. The Heavenly ideal shall prevail.

In the past, Moonies have demonstrated elements of changeability, but from this time forward we must become unchangeable. You will become the champions; you have been given your marching orders by God, your Commander-in Chief. We shall go forth into the enemy territory to bring the victory to God. That ultimate day of victory is at hand.

Evil armies have come and gone throughout history, but Heaven's forces will march on forever. As long as God's invincible army is existing, true peace will never be violated. The Kingdom of God shall prevail through love for eternity. As members of these elite Heavenly forces, we shall march forward to the Heavenly goal. Raise your hands and say amen. God bless you.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Change of blood Lineage (1)

Change of Blood Lineage (1)

Sun Myung Moon

January 18, 1973, at the first International Training Session

Translated by Mrs. Won Pok Choi

Today is the third day. According to the Principle, you are going over a peak. That line is significant both internally and externally. Today, my subject is going to be the transition of blood lineage or "Change of Blood Lineage." Up to the present moment there have been many theologians and scholars and others who have been thinking that if there be a God, why does He leave the world as it is? It is more than a serious question to them. If there be a God, why does He do this? If there be a God and if God is omnipotent, omniscient, then why does it take so long to resurrect and to restore mankind? If God is going to restore us all, He must be anxious to restore us as soon as possible. There is something grave in the question. From God's part, too, it is a grave question. He cannot do just anything, in a way. Then, what must be that grave question that would cause God not to be able to do things at His own disposal?

When you are asked what is the greatest of all in the world, you will name your life. Your life is the greatest and most important thing. If we think again, what is greater than life itself? Your answer could be love -- nothing else. No knowledge, no authority, no position, nothing else but this -- your love. Our desire is to live through eternity -- nothing else. When you are asked what you would want to have, what you would want to live with, the answer must also be: "love." Life is in your possession already. If you live on through eternity, you can say you have attained your purpose or your desire. But there is something else you need. You don't just want to live on without love. Love is the central thing that you wish to have. We are enjoying our lives -- life is here. There must be something corresponding to love in God, because He is the subject of life. Can God enjoy His life or life element without something else -- without love? No! However omniscient and omnipotent He maybe, by Himself alone, He cannot enjoy happiness. He cannot be happy, have ideals, joy or whatever.

Suppose there is a man ... he is dancing and screaming out of joy by himself, without any object to talk to or to reflect his happiness. Then we would call him crazy. Would any one of you here think that you could be happy without anyone else around you? You say you are happy because you have your parents, or your spouse, etc. You say, "I am happy because I have you with me." Isn't that true? So, any ideal joy, happiness or anything of virtue cannot be brought about without having an object. Strictly speaking, you are not happy because there is a flower, but because you see the flower. The flower means something to you. You are not happy because there are sounds, but you are happy because you are hearing the sounds, listening to them. You are not happy because there are smells, but because you are smelling them. You are not happy just because you have someone beside you, but because you can have him, touch him, feel him and everything. You can come back to say that in the world where you do not have an object, there is no joy, no ideal, no happiness. However hard you may struggle going about looking for things by yourself, there is no happiness. If that is true with human beings, then the same applies to God.

We are told that God became grieved due to the Human Fall. Then, what element in Him causes that? What would respond to the Human Fall? If you don't have your object, you have nothing to lose there, but without your object, you cannot even say you are sad, if it is originally so. It's only after you have lost your object where he had been before you that you feel unhappiness and sadness. Isn't that true? Then, in what position were human beings in the beginning that God was made so sad at the loss of them, due to the Fall? Then, we can imagine that human beings were in the position of object to God as the subject. In what way were we as objects to God? We must think of His creation of man and in what position He put man at the time of his creation. Is a human being less than a monkey? When we look through all the creation, we cannot find anything greater -- we are the masterpiece of His creation. When we look into ourselves, we find that our body is a mystery, a palace of mysteries. The appearance of the human being has something great and mysterious in it. Then God being the greatest Lord and Absolute One, what if you were in His position, whom would you choose out of all the creation as your object? It must be man and nothing else. If God is at all, the subject of life, the object of His life must be man -- no one else. God, being eternal, would He want man to be an ephemeral being, dying away into naught? That's never possible. We can come to the conclusion that the eternal God must have wanted man to be eternal in some way. If God, the omnipotent one, had not created man eternal, He would have to make him that at all costs, in some way. Isn't that true -- isn't that logical? Then, we can define that human beings must be eternal in some way at least.

We say that God created man as His object -- object of life, of course, but more than that in what way could man be His object? The object just to look at, to walk with, what? In what way are we His objects? (Objects of His love!) Yes, nothing less, nothing more, nothing other than love. After the Creation, God must have looked around the whole Creation seeing that all the creatures were beautiful and good. Especially when He saw all the beautiful flowers blooming in the field, it must have brought joy to Him ... chirping birds, flying butterflies -- all those things made Him happy. He could say that He was happy, all was good. It is because He loved those things. Anything you look at -- the flowers or anything else, when you say it's cute, lovely, then you are loving them already. You have pet animals and you love them. In the U. S., I have often witnessed women walking with pet animals and they even felt like kissing them. If you can love flowers, birds, animals -- how much more would you love human beings? If you smile at the puppy, does he smile back? If you talk to a bird and tell him to sing with you, would he do that, could he understand? However beautiful the flowers may be, if you want them to dance with you, would they do it? But with another human being, if you want them to do something with you, they would respond to you. Because you say let's dance, let's sing and the moment you begin to sing he would do the same with you.

If God, in the subjective position is angry, the object must be like that. He is putting God in the subjective position. Wherever God may go, man in the objective position will want to follow Him. When we reach that point, we can safely define that man is the only object with whom God is pleased. Then, we know that man is the only one of virtue and value to God and God cannot but love man. You can be so confident as to say that without me God cannot be happy at all. Is it true? (Yes) Man in the beginning had been in such a relationship with God, but what made God sad? What took man away from the bosom of God? What made God sad? If there had been any enemy before God, would He have wanted to take away what was most dear to God or what was a little less valuable to Him? (Valuable!) Are you sure? Satan is more clever than you. It must have been the same with him, isn't is true? (Yes.) Satan set his eye on what God would treasure -- would think highly of. He wanted to take away God's object to be his. What did you say there was in God? Life and love itself. Life is in you; he could not take it away. But love is something vacillating and he could take it away from you. He could not take away your life because you are life itself and you will fight against him. Something he can take away from you is that which is in the objective position to you. Love is the only thing that had the possibility of being taken away. Suppose that Martin [Porter] is in the subjective position and your object is there and there is a possibility of your object being taken away by somebody else. There are two ways that an opponent can take something away. Either by force or with more love than Martin has towards her. Isn't that true?

What or who at all could take Adam and Eve -- who were in the objective position to God -- away from God? The Fall -- the taking away of man -- must have been done centered on love. When Satan wanted to take man away he worked on the female first. The theologians say that in the beginning, Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil that caused them to fall. But how on earth could they eat of that fruit if it was forbidden of them to eat by God? There were so many other delicious fruit. There is no logic in that. There are so many Christians who believe in such an unbelievable thing. With that kind of belief, how can all Christians save themselves? They can at best save something corresponding to the value of that kind of food -- the value of the fruit maybe. Do you want me to talk in details or just by leaps and bounds? (Details!) It will take me hours, is that all right?

I said Eve was tempted or taken away by Satan. That could happen either by force or by more love than her spouse would have been able to give her. Then, at that time, was Eve in perfect love with her spouse? If that is true then nothing could have taken her away from complete love. First love is something that is strongest, greatest. Until your death, you will never forget about your first love. If Eve was in complete perfect love with Adam at that time, the first love being the strongest one, nothing could have taken that love away from them. Nothing could take it away if the love had reached maturity. Love was the only thing. In other words, life was there in the perfected form of the creation, but love was not quite at that standard. Love stayed in the position where it was not perfected or created at all. Something which was perfected at this creation can play the role of perfect object to him, while if it is not quite in that situation stage, he cannot play the role of subject to that object as perfection. Because love was something that had to be perfected between Adam and Eve, He had to wait until that love was perfected by them, and only then could He commence His providence of restoration of man. We must put things in order from there.

Our conclusion is that God can resurrect life lost, but not love. Love is something that must be perfected between male and female and He had to wait until that time. With that conclusion in mind, we have to compare ours to what we find in the Bible. God is the God of principle, God of logic, and He will apply the same principle of creating man when He has to recreate and restore man to the original position. Because He created man first, male being, in the course of restoration of re-creation, too, He must locate one male being. God's providence of restoration all throughout human history has been to locate a male being having nothing to do with sin through whom God would develop the providence of restoration. The male being must have nothing to do with Satan, and be not in Satan's claim; so through that man, centered on that man, he is in place of God in a sense, he is the agent of God's operation, God is going to work through him to resurrect or restore mankind. That is the Messiah.

Do you need a Messiah? This is something requisite for man. Adam and Eve both fell before they reached the stage of maturity where they did not enjoy their life to the fullest and where they did not know what love was at all in perfection. But, Jesus Christ came to the earth as the Messiah, to restore all these things and by putting himself in the objective position of full life and love to God as the subject, he was commencing his work of restoration of the whole of mankind, with God working through him. Adam was in the position to dominate over or control Eve. And at the time of temptation of Eve by Satan, Adam should have influenced her or stopped her from being tempted. But, being immature at that time, he could not carry out that much. So, in the course of restoration, there must be a male, being first found by God, erected by God. That male person must be able to locate his spouse.

Then, what must be the first purpose of the Messiah's coming to the earth? To find Eve and raise her and make her his bride. But could Jesus do that? No, and that's why he had to die on the cross. There is still some task left unaccomplished by Jesus and that must be accomplished in order to realize the ideal at the time of the Second Coming. That's why Jesus talked about his Second Coming when he found that he had to pass away on the cross. When the Second Coming of the Lord is here, he is going to locate his bride and by becoming one with her, he is going to satisfy God and God will work through them because they are the realization of God's life and love put together -- one as subject and one as object -- thus, together, they are the perfect object to God as the subject. Without the Messiah and his bride put together as subject and object and forming the perfect object to God, there is no providence of restoration possible. God wanted to see the day of the Marriage of the Lamb, which means the Messiah marrying his bride to make a family base -- matrimonial base -- with which alone they could face God as the perfect subject. With this done alone -- with Adam and Eve or the Messiah and his bride put together alone -- they will form the perfect object to God as the subject in whom the male and female qualities are already inherent and then God can operate through them as the perfect object and that's what makes it possible for Him to realize His restoration project. The sixty-six books of the Bible will reach the conclusion at this point.

It is only natural that, since God had lost in the beginning a male and female being in the course of restoration, He must first of all find a male and female being, who have nothing to do with Satan or sin and from then on He can commence His work of restoration. If that had been done even in Adam's time or in Jesus' day, or in other words, the perfect male and female in maturity put together resembling God's form with two elements of Himself, then He could operate through that couple and in that He will have direction of life and love and nothing could sever the love between them. The love being eternal, unchangeable and unique -- there could be eternal happiness and all ideals. If you are happy at all, happiness will be eternal. Is it clear to you? Once God had started loving men, He could not have stopped loving them and His happiness couldn't have turned into sadness. So, what He commenced could have gone eternally. Only the thought of it makes us happy.

Then, how happy must we be if we are entitled to live in that Kingdom? Our eyeballs would go back like this and every cell and hair would be dancing. Isn't it natural and logical? Then our conclusion is going to be to ask, when is God's providence going to end? It is the day when God's Creation is perfected in the form that He would want to have it. In that day, God will rejoice -- to say nothing of man. Any man here can protest to God, saying: "I am in a way better than you because without me you have no significance, no meaning, but with me and my spouse put together alone you can operate, bring man back to life, recreate man. So, I am better than you." You can even claim your love as being your and not God's. He cannot but nod to you. Then you can participate in God's work of restoring man -- recreating man and you can have confidence in the way I said. Did I make myself understood? One hour has passed, but since I have had to use my interpreter, I have used 30 minutes. This is the most valuable thought or ideology, which no theologians or scholars have been able to give you. This is the core of the Divine Principle. You don't find what I am saying in the book of the Divine Principle. So, I have finished the introduction part. We have to reach there (pointing to blackboard) -- the transition of blood lineage.

The Human Fall was caused by someone else staining the blood or the blood lineage of man through the fallen act. So, unless we can restore or shift the blood lineage into the original status, we cannot work the providence of restoration through man. God had to wait so long, through more than 6,000 years of sinful human history because He wanted to commence His providence of restoration by finding one man having nothing to do with stained blood.

Here is a man, Reiner [Vincenz]. Let's suppose that he has stained blood running through all his veins. So, you take him to the river and wash and wash him, all through 6,000 years trying to bleach him, doing everything you can to purify him. Can you accomplish that? Can you drain out all his stained blood? That's possible? That's impossible. If you die away, then both God and Satan will lose someone on whom to work. So, both God and Satan had to work through human history, with a condition in between, whether or not man would have a position on this or that side. There must be some law to apply there. But, one thing you must know is that God, being a God of principle, He cannot just take away anything unlawfully. So, anything which will suit the Law and the Principle will come to His position -- that's natural, very logical. Satan, on the other hand, being non-Principled, can claim anything without law and he can well claim non-Principled things. According to the Principle, things resembling God are God's. Man, too, if he doesn't resemble God, cannot be claimed by God.

God created man and man was in the lineage of God. So, if your blood is stained, He cannot claim you as His. Due to the Human Fall, you know too well that you are from Satanic blood lineage. Then, whose blood is it which is running in you? Satan's. Your body, whom does it belong to? You hate to say it, but it belongs to Satan. Your eyes, your mouth, your ears -- everything you have belongs to Satan. Can you ever desire to belong to God, if you are going to leave those as they are? Therefore, in religions of high dimension, they teach us not to use our eyes, nose, mouth or ears in such a way that they will please Satan. You must go the opposite way. So, religious teaching will want you to deny what you have and what you are and it starts from denial -- not from approval or affirmation. The higher the religion is, the more strict the teaching is for that. Then are you ready to deny your eyes? Your ears? Your nose, mouth? You must deny your life -- that's what justifies the teaching of the Bible. It says that those who want to lose their lives will gain them and those who want to gain their lives will lose them. Then, do you want to kill yourselves? Are you ready to do that? I am pleased with the affirmative answer from you. I am glad that I have made you answer in the affirmative after 10 hours of talk. God created man with His Word the Bible says, and in the course of re-creation, too, the Word will affect you. It is well said that the Word will either kill you or bring you into life again. What I am saying is not from me, it is the Word of Truth from God. If you obey me you have obeyed God and you will be resurrected or re-created through the Word. With the Truth -- true words of God -- the dead, corrupted world can come into life again. Can you believe that? Then, we must be confident enough to be able to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth, because we know in what way we can do that.

Then, where do you belong? Are you going to go back to France, Germany, Italy or wherever you came from -- or to the Fatherland of your desire? (Fatherland!) There is no boundary among us. There is no Frenchman, German, Italian, British, Dutch or Austrian here. But for the Human Fall, do you think there would have come about so many languages? Language barriers were caused by the Fall. The languages of the birds are the same all over the world. The language of the sheep, cows, cats, dogs is the same all over the world. With man alone there is a language barrier. Without that I wouldn't have to use my interpreter. If men loved each other, they would not have wanted to be separated from each other; they would have wanted to come closer and cuddle together and talk together, and wherever they went they would want to associate and go back and forth and they could not have forgotten their own language. But, if disharmony exists, if you quarrel, you don't want to be with the opponent; you want to go this way if he wants to go that way and you would never want to eat whatever was made by your opponent. Disharmony was caused by the Fall.

But for the Human Fall, could mankind have used language other than the language of the first human ancestors? If it had not been for the Human Fall, all thought would have been concentrated on one thought: God. That would have been Adamism. Adamism in other words is True Parentism. Since they have common parents, the way they talk, the way they do things, the way they think would have been the same. Is there anything else we can desire except Godism, True Parentism, True Brotherism, True Femalism or True Maleism? Was there any such thing as Communism there? Those isms and ideologies have been canes to lean on for fallen man. But, ultimately, originally, God is and will be left there. We have to recollect with a saddened heart that we have become Satanic children -- enemy to God.

Then, are you ready to put your flesh into trial or not? Are you ready for difficulties and hardships? Do you want me to drive you out into the field of death? Would you want to die on the level of the individual or for the sake of the family? (Family!) Are you ready to die for the level of the family or on the level of the nation? (Nation!) Would you want me to drive you to the place of death on the level of the nation or on the level of the world? (World!) There have been fights and wars taking place in the world -- fights on the levels of and families and nations -- but for what are we going to fight? We are to fight for the sake of the whole world on the side of God.

God is fighting against the Satanic force. Has there been any time in human history that all mankind has been mobilized in an all-out effort to fight for the cause of God against the evil power of Satan? Has there been such a time? (No!) Then, would you desire to have such a time? When would you have it happen? (Now!) Where? (Here!) You are now mobilized for that purpose -- to fight against Satan in an all-out effort. We must be armed with weapons so strong as to win over Satan. The biblical passage saying that those who want to lose their lives will find them and those who want to gain their lives will lose them can apply to the individual and family levels, but not quite on the national or world-wide level. Then, who at all can carry out the mission to fight against the Satanic force on the national and world-wide level by gathering all the people of the world, transcendent of race, creed, color and anything else? In human history so far, men alone fought. So far it has been this way because God's providence was that to locate a male being, it is true. But from now on, since in this time we have to locate the bride in the biblical sense, we have to mobilize female folks, too, into the frontline.

Then, in fighting against Satan, God would want the female folks to win over the male. The female troops on God's side must win over even the male soldiers on the Satanic side. Female folks on God's side must be able to win over the Satanic power of Communism. Are you ready for that? (Yes!) What you are doing here is done on the temporary basis. You are going to be sent out to the frontline. What do you expect in the future? To be well-fed, well-clad, to enjoy your lives here? (No!) If you vacillate like this and you look this way and that, then you are liable to be killed. In the battlefield, in the rain of the bullets, if you go straight ahead without minding whether you will be killed or not, then you will survive, but if you vacillate and try to dodge your way you are apt to be killed. Especially I warn the male folks against their being distracted. The female folks may think "there are streams of luxurious cars, skyscrapers, well-to-do people and I like American men better than the stingy Dutch men and the stiff Germans and the proud British and the narrow-minded French. I would like to marry an American man -- they look so generous and abundant in the way they think, say things and act out things." But without being distracted or tempted by those things, you must be headed for one goal, staring at the target. In this way alone will we win the war. Are you going to be courageous or cowardly? (Courageous!) If you are ready to do that, if you are confident to do that, will you please hold up your hands?

I'll leave this subject until tomorrow. You must know that in detail so that you will have a clear picture of how there has been the removal of stained blood all throughout human history -- God's work through all the limited personages in the Bible. I can even give you all those things in a contracted form and since I am an expert in that line I can maybe give you all those things in ten minutes and in that case I am going to talk as a waterfall, so I am going to leave it until tomorrow. Now that you have been resolved by holding up your hands, you are resolved to go ahead and fight against the Satanic power in the battlefield, at the cost of your life. I am pleased with that, I trust you and I watch you.

2nd Part

Change of blood Lineage (2)

Change of Blood Lineage (2)

Sun Myung Moon

January 19, 1973, at the first International Training Session

Translated by Mrs. Won Pok Choi

This morning I am going to continue my talk from yesterday. We are all born out of Satanic lineage. Our final problem is how to cleanse our blood. All through history God has been working for that. From the Old Testament Age, through the New Testament Age and up to the Completed Testament Age, God's problem has been to cleanse or purify the blood of the people, stained by Satan, and to restore it into the original position. Due to the Human Fall, not only mankind but all of creation came to groan in travail. In order to purify the stained blood of mankind, God wanted man to give an offering in order to reach Him. In the Old Testament Age, when they made an offering, they had to cut in two the cow, sheep, lamb or whatever they had, on the altar. Without your knowledge of the Human Fall, you might think God is a cruel God because He seems to like bloodshed. The significance of making the offering is to cut the parts in two, so that one is under God's claim and the other under Satan's claim. In that case both the offering and the man who offered the sacrifice must become entirely one. The man who offers the sacrifice is in the subjective position, while the offering is in the objective position! Without these two united into one, the purpose of the offering cannot be attained. The offering being in the objective position to man as the subject, it can represent the person's flesh-body. The thing being offered (i.e., the animal) has to shed blood in place of sinful man. In other words, the offering is in place of man -- representing man.

Originally, the person who is making the offering must feel the ache and torture that the offering has to go through when it is killed and separated and cut in two. The person must not be willing to kill the animal as an animal, but when cutting it in two he must be aware of cutting out the stained part of that being. The person must feel as though the animal is he, himself, both externally and internally. He must feel as though he is killing himself. He must be able to hate what is evil or Satanic -- and love God. When he feels sympathetic to the animal being killed, he must also feel the Heart of God, who has to have us do that.

The person's purpose is to be saved by giving the offering, and God's purpose is to restore man by having him make the offering. Since man is born out of Satanic blood lineage, in order to be reborn, we must kill ourselves and then we can be given rebirth. Only after dying can we be given rebirth. We read many such instances in which people gave offering of lambs. The lamb signifies purity and sometimes when they are being offered they represent hard labor. The pigeon represents obedience. As an offering we must be pure and in utter obedience to God, and we must labor hard. By doing that we want to offer ourselves unreservedly to God, giving our whole being to Him. We want to offer ourselves on the altar. After being killed there is nothing left to be accomplished by man, so we use animals as an offering instead of ourselves, and by sacrificing those things we are in the position of being saved or being sacrificed.

All through human history those kinds of offerings have been seen behind the Providence of God. In the Old Testament Age they made the offering of animals, but in the New Testament Age, Jesus Christ himself was in the place of the offering. Jesus was the "substantial offering," who labored hard in utter obedience to God and sacrificed himself. So, in that situation, all mankind had to be united into one with Jesus and by placing themselves in the position of Jesus, they had to go through the offering. If, in his career in God's Providence, he had succeeded in saving all mankind both spiritually and physically, then we could have been saved on both levels too -- but since he left salvation on the physical level unaccomplished by himself, being resurrected, he accomplished salvation on the spiritual level. Since we are with him, it means we have accomplished salvation only on the spiritual level. When Jesus sacrificed himself, he did that in the position of the Son of God. Then, upon entering the Completed Testament Age, things became different. In the Old Testament Age we had the age of sacrificing animals; in the New Testament Age, the sacrifice of the man, Jesus. In the Completed Testament Age, we have the sacrifice of the True Parents in order to save all mankind. Then, in what way is God going to sacrifice the True Parents? Not to kill them, of course, but He is going to sacrifice the relationship between the True Parents and children in the worldly sense. You have to sever the relationship between husband and wife and between parents and children in your homes. By separating those things you must use yourself as a sacrifice on the altar. We are doing this in the Unified Family. Our True Parent had to go through the same sacrifice in his own family. He had to be able to love you before loving his own.

In your physical homes, when you are cutting off or separating your spouse, your children, your parents from you when you want to join our group, if they are opposed to you, for a certain time they are separated. But if they want to back you up or cooperate with you, then those two together may be taken by God as the good offering. But that being very difficult, Jesus said that he came to earth not to bring peace but to bring the sword. God's intention is to take back from the Satanic world the parents, children and all created things. The order is in the reverse way. He has to take away the creation, the son and the parents. By having them offer sacrifices, God wants to put them in the position in which they kill themselves, and at the sacrifice of those things, they can be saved. When God wanted to have him sacrifice something, He wanted man to sacrifice Satan. Jesus died because of Satan. The reason for our Master having gone through difficulties and persecution was also because of Satan. Then why is it so? It is because in the course of the Human Fall the same thing took place. We are going to restore it by reversing the order. (Drawing on the board) On the vertical line we have three stages: the Old Testament Age, New Testament Age, and Completed Testament Age. On the horizontal line we have formation stage, growth stage and completion, (or perfection) stage -- respectively corresponding to the above. God had to go through those stages in order to restore man. In the Old Testament Age it was in the stage of formation. In the New Testament Age it was in the stage of growth. The Completed Testament Age corresponds to the perfection stage. It is because when God created the universe, He created things first, then man and then the True Parents in the restoration course -- with love at the core of it. He is going the reverse way. At the creation of the universe He created man, and with love at the core of the True Parents, He wanted to save mankind. But for the Human Fall in Adam's family, all those three could have been realized there. With the creation, with Adam and Eve there, and with them playing the role of the True Parents, with love at the core, He could have established the world having nothing to do with sin. God is up there with male essentiality and female essentiality inherent in one, and here are Adam and Eve, and with those two united into one they form the perfect objective position for God to operate through them and this family base on both the vertical and horizontal lines, to multiply humankind from there. If these two perform a perfect action of give and take between them, they become closer and closer, and united into one, those two put together resemble God, and then each can become one with God in the subjective position. On the separate base too, they perform the harmonious action of give and take; plus Adam can perform the harmonious action of give and take with God, and Eve too can perform the perfect harmonious action of give and take with God and these two put together can perform the perfection harmonious action of give and take with God. Then, either these two together have to go up there or they have to take God down to abide with them. The point of unification of God and man is the point of trinity in harmony. Do you understand? Oneness of the three is trinity. With this done God's love is perfected here and human love is perfected here. Namely, Adam's love and Eve's love are perfected here. And this is the core of love.

Before God's creation of man, He was alone, but He had male and female essentialities inherent in Him. So that was something like having Adam and Eve with Him on the spiritual level. With the creation of man, Adam and Eve became the incarnation of His physical body. So, he had the objective side on the physical position and by becoming one with them He had oneness both on the physical and spiritual levels. Therefore, this point is where God abides -- God's love abides both on the spiritual and physical levels -- the perfect point of love. With God operating here between the two or in the two, the multiplication of God's creation of man can come about. (Pointing to blackboard) Here, God's love was in the inherent form, but here God's love was incarnated in the flesh. So, by His working here, He made multiplication possible. When they come together, more and more multiplication was made possible. God's lineage could flow down through the true beings, male and female playing the role of the parents in love.

Due to the Human Fall, Adam and Eve, in the parent's position, stained the pure blood lineage. That's why God, without restoring the parents, cannot commence His providence of restoration. When you closely observe that God ordered man to make offerings, first with things, next with man, and finally with love of parents or parents with love in the core, we can well recognize how God has been anxious to have man restored.

At the time of creation, God first created the archangels, and those angelic beings were in the position to advise Him, praise Him and cooperate with Him in creating the universe. After the Fall of man, not just man, but the whole creation came to be in travail -- completely separated from God, in the position of enemy to God. They did not remain still but went against God when He wanted to recreate the whole universe. So, it was God's agony to have them around.

Then, how can God's lineage be started? It can be brought about only from God's love -- nothing else. Since it is going to start from God's love, Satan has no claim to it. If they are born out of God's lineage, Satan has nothing to do with that and no one else can take them away. They abide in God's love intact from Satanic invasion. But, due to the Human Fall, everyone has Satanic blood running in his veins. It is appalling to think of that. If you find that you were born from the lineage of a murderer, would you be pleased? Satan is more than that -- he's not only the murderer, but he is the adulterer, he is a thief and everything evil. We came from his lineage. He is the king of the murderers. He has committed that sin not just once, but he has been continuing to do that. We are his descendants. We are out of the Satanic lineage and we must know that we have all those events -- all those things -- inherent in us. If we really realize how horrible a thing it is that we are born out of the stained blood of Satan, we would feel like chopping our flesh into pieces, shedding all the blood out of our body, smite ourselves and scatter ourselves as prey to vultures.

We are liable to judgment and if we are dragged to court before God, what kind of judgment are we going to receive? You are the offspring of Satan who took away man of God's creation. Then, what, if you were in God's position, would you do with Satanic mankind? If you were in that position, you could not think of any such thing as forgiveness. From your part you cannot pray to God to be merciful, to save you; you are not in the position to ask for that. Are you? Can you ask for forgiveness from God? Are you entitled to it? But, when you are in court, if you find yourself forgiven, then how would you feel? Overjoyed. When you had expected capital punishment, you were allowed one eye plucked out and you were forgiven -- would you not be thankful? If God would allow you to be forgiven by cutting one of your arms or one of your legs, would you not be thankful? Furthermore, when you realize that your human ancestors have been murderers, then would you not be willing to kill yourself to save your past ancestry and your future descendants? Would you not be willing to give your life? You cannot but answer affirmatively.

If you are in the position to follow God, follow our Master as God's agent, can you complain on the way? [NO!] Can you say: "I am exhausted, I cannot go any further." [NO!] Never. With all this knowledge, you must be determined to face what you will come to! One more thing, you must know that you have only one life and one chance for that. You may question why God, being omnipotent, could not save mankind sometime far back in the Old Testament Age. That is because man, in the course of re-creation or restoration, could not obey God and would deny God again; there was no way for God to recreate or save mankind. If He gave out all His orders and was replied to with disobedience, all could have been nullified, so He wanted to give small orders, within their reach, and for that reason it took Him so many long years. Would you say you are thankful to God that He has prolonged the restoration history for so long a time? [YES!]

In the Divine Principle movement, too, at times you are impatient to see the realization of our goal and you say, "Why doesn't God help us make it a reality?" But He is doing the same with us. Aren't you grateful for that? He has to wait by giving us small orders at a time so that we can carry them out. How many more years are you resolved to toil and be faced with difficulties? All through your life!

Jesus said he would come again at the time when people on every corner of the earth would know the gospel of Christianity. Then, what is our goal? When will our goal be attained? Unless our message will have been spread to every corner of the world, we cannot attain our goal realistically. We are lucky to live in this age of modern facilities. Once our movement arouses the interest of the people in a nation, through mass media it will spread all throughout the world. It may happen in the matter of 30 minutes or even less. So, we are going to focus our attention on one nation from where to reach the world. For that purpose I chose the U. S., because this nation is in a position from which we can easily reach the whole world. Do you understand so far? Is everything clear to you?

So, are you going to complain? [NO!] If you don't complain when you are ordered the things you like to do, is there any value in it? How about if you are ordered to do things you don't like to do? Are you going to complain? [NO!] Can you promise me? [YES!] Suppose I command you to walk upside down instead of right side up, would you obey me? [YES!] If you are that obedient, the day will soon come when you can walk up straight. This is not just talking, but it is true.

God has enemies all around. Satan is in the position of enemy to me, to God; and I am in the position of Satan, in a way; and Satan is in the position of all mankind. We have enemies all around. We are the descendants of Satan and sometimes in most cases we don't realize that we are enemies to Satan but we are, in the original sense, because we were princes and princesses of God, the King. Someone in the olden days stole us away and adopted us. However, we are not his at all; we belong to God. So, that is what puts us in the position of enemy to Satan -- without even being conscious of that. That's why man has a general attitude of always complaining and sometimes wants to kill himself, feeling unhappy with all and everything. We somehow want to escape from the present society -- the Satanic sovereignty. We want to be better and righteous; and then Satan gets hold of us, dragging us back.

We are born from the Satanic lineage, but since we know this fact, are we willing to stay in the present situation? We want to escape. We want to get rid of it. If you are to die, would you want to die in that situation? Would you want to remain under the Satanic sovereignty, fighting for the cause of Satan, living and dying there, or would you rather live and die for the cause of God's providence, even though you may have to shed blood and everything? In the world under God, even though you may have to go through untold difficulties and bloodshed, if you live and die for God's cause, you are honored and your future generations will be honored as well. You must know clearly that those who are near to God's throne in the spirit world are the martyrs, saints, religious leaders who wanted to and did sacrifice themselves for the great cause of God's providence of restoring man. The more they suffered difficulties and hardships on the earth plane, the more glorious their position is in the spirit world. Jesus, with the truth and the knowledge of this, said that those who are ready to lose their lives will gain it and those who are willing to gain their lives will lose it. Know the truth and the truth will liberate you. We must not just know the truth but we must carry it out and put it into practice.

So, are you ready to work this way, to walk this way? [YES!] When will you be ready to die for this cause? At the last moment of your physical life when you are old and stooped and ready to die? Or would you rather sacrifice yourself when you are in the prime of your life? I think most of you understand me. Perhaps you want to marry, to have your children, to have a happy home, and after enjoying all those things, then perhaps you will be ready for that. Are you like that or are you ready to sacrifice yourself before marriage? There is no question about that! You know that Adam and Eve fell while they were in their teens, so you want to sacrifice yourselves while you are still in your teens, fighting and working against Satan in order to restore yourselves and all mankind to the position of Adam and Eve before the Fall. That way you will dissolve God's resentment for having lost His children to the hands of Satan. Are you going to do better than Adam and Eve? [YES!] Indeed? [YES!] The Fall of Adam and Eve turned the world upside down in a moment. Now, what are we going to do? Are you confident and ready to turn the world upside down in an instant? [YES!] All right, go out and do it! Are you confident about that? [YES!]

This is a fallen world with evil forces all around you, opposing you, so what you are going to do? When you came here you were caught in the customs office, and now your leaders will be called back and forth to the immigration office. How can you say you will turn the world upside down in a moment? Still do you say you can do it? [YES!] Then, I am a happy man! From tomorrow, I can relax because you will turn the world upside down today. That's what makes me agonized, that we cannot do that in a moment. Without the appearance of someone far excelling Adam and Eve, God cannot start the work of restoration. Are you unwilling to be defeated, to be beaten by Adam and Eve? [YES!] How can you win over them? You must receive more of God's love than they did. That way you will be better than Adam and Eve. But, by yourself alone you are not entitled or qualified to receive love from God. When does God's love start? Where there is a purified blood lineage. There God's love operates. However, if your blood lineage is reversed from the original position, do you belong to God? That's why God has been anxious to develop His providence of restoration; and through the three stages of the Old Testament Age, New Testament Age, and Completed Testament Age, God wanted man to reach Him through the offering of sacrifice, of man and family through the love of God, through the True Parents now. Now you are here in the love of the True Parents, but up to the present moment, there have been many lambs, cows, pigeons, etc., sacrificed as offering; many men, including Jesus himself, sacrificed to bring us to this position. You must know that. All this has been done in order to save each one of you. You must think of this fact. This is not just talking; it is the truth.

With the sacrifices of those animals, those human beings, we are brought here under God, under the True Parents. You are someone so valuable that you will not take anything else in exchange for yourselves. You must be well aware of that fact. You must know how valuable you are. All the female folks here, when you are being tempted, you must tell yourselves with dignity, "God, my Father, has been sacrificing all those animals and human beings, for the sake of my salvation. I am going to be stained again in dirty blood." When you are at the verge of committing sin, you must always carry a sword, a knife, a dagger with you. You must pluck out your eyes if your eyes are liable to commit sin. If, after knowing all these facts, after studying the Divine Principle, you commit a dirty sin again, you have no way to be forgiven of that sin. Especially the blessed couples. You must keep yourselves pure. If you may have to be stained in some way or another, it is better for you to kill yourselves than to remain alive. It is a grave matter.

I don't want to have just watchers, those who wait for others to carry out the mission. You must carry out your own mission of restoring yourselves and restoring the whole world. I am a grave man, a serious man. I am still at war with Satan, every minute of my life. You must be as brave as I am and fight on with me working with you -- through you. You men folks too, I warn you, if you are tempted by beautiful girls and you are being dragged and dragged by those girls, you are not entitled to be God's son. I hate the idea of your being liable to that. You must realize the value of yourselves in that moment. You would not take even the whole world in exchange for yourselves. Enough of that. Now, I will speak on another matter.

Maybe there is a limited choice here, but we will marry within our members. However ugly your spouse may be, according to the worldly standard, he or she is of higher value than any other beautiful or handsome man or woman in the world. Do you understand? We are going to set up a new tradition, a new custom, a new way of life under our Master as our Parents, Would you want to continue or to leave the rest for tomorrow? [CONTINUE!] You must study the Divine Principle. Unless we can restore what was lost on the vertical level, unless we restore this on the horizontal level, we cannot expect the Kingdom of God here. Only doing that can we reach the Kingdom of Heaven. (Pointing to the blackboard) The Old Testament Age, corresponding to the generation [formation] stage with this much accomplished -- it comes down to here. After this much is accomplished, it will come to here, etc., and we will go up and up until we establish the Kingdom of God. That is the resurrection, through which we can shift the earthly hell to the earthly Kingdom of God. Due to the Human Fall, God is down here and Satan is up there, with the whole world under Satanic sovereignty. By going through the course of restoration we can reach or build the Kingdom of God and annihilate the earthly hell. Then, the position will be reversed. What was up there will come down. Satan will come down and God will go up. The whole world will be under God's sovereignty. From here we go up there by ministering to the True Parents or by serving them or by living with them.

If it wasn't for the Human Fall, with whom could mankind have reached the Kingdom of Heaven? With Adam and Eve as the True Parents -- without sin. But, instead, they reached hell, with whom? With Satan as their parents. In order for us to reach the Kingdom of God on Earth, we must accompany or follow our True Parents. The fact that we have our True Parents with us is the gospel of gospels. After all, you, yourselves, individually, are always the problem. For whom have the True Parents come? [FOR ME!] That's what comes later, for me as an individual. Then, for whom has God been working all through history? [FOR ME!] For whom did Jesus die? [FOR ME!] The Jewish people were scattered all over the world; some were killed by Hitler; why and for whom? [FOR ME AND FOR YOU.] Until now you may have thought that those things had nothing to do with you, but all those things were done for you and for me. The whole world is in such a chaos and turmoil, with people killing one another. Why and for whom is all this happening? For me. All the good things and evil things are taking place either to corrupt or to save me. The whole world is either for me or against me. All that is taking place is either for me or against me. Reversely speaking, if I do good things, the whole world will become good; or if I do evil things, the whole world will become evil. So, you must be determined always to do good things in order to restore the world. This point in the center, if we draw a circle, it goes like this (showing a diagram). There is me in the center. This much belongs to the generation stage, next to growth and next to perfection stage. What I do in the center is very important. One motion of mine will stir up all those things. If you go ahead with big strides, your scope of salvation will be broadened. The scope of salvation of others together. My value corresponds to all this put together. It is the contracted form of what is on the vertical line and what is on the horizontal line put together in totality. Every male being is in the position of Adam while every female is in the position of Eve. Adam without sin and Eve without sin. So, every male being is in the position of true father and every female being in the position of true mother. As in the beginning, Adam and Eve should have loved each other without the aggression of Satan, you must become one between husband and wife. From then on you will broaden your scope on the family level to the next level.

Then, to whom do we belong? Out of what were you created? You were created out of love of your parents. Who is the master of that love? [GOD!] First of all you must belong to God, you must be able to receive God's love. Next, you must be able to receive whose love? Whose love would you want to receive next? Love between husband and wife is the next stage. (Pointing to diagram) This is children's love -- with those two put together, God will work through them; and in the love of God, they can multiply and the children will come about. This is the point where the three lines meet. Isn't that true? You must know then that God, the male and the female as a couple, and the children -- all those four put together are the ideal form of humanity. From here we want to return love -- children's love to their parents. The father and mother together will elevate the children's love to reach God. The parents together with children are headed for the goal of God's love. In other words, the father and mother together will attract children's love and pull it up towards the center. The three put together will attract God's love towards the center so that the four points will become one at the center, in perfect love. Is everything clear to you? So, the parents must be an example of love for the children to follow and grow. In the first stage you must be such parents that your children will be very proud of you, thinking of you as the best parents in the world. Better than any king, any person in the world. They must feel that you are the highest, the best and the most exemplary people in the whole world. Those three will be together and will meet at this point. God wants the children to resemble the parents, and by attracting and elevating their love, they come together in oneness.

You must know that as the parents you are in the position of God. Your love towards your children must be that of God towards all mankind. Do you have to love your children that much? Do your children have to love you to that extent? Is that true? In the western world, it doesn't happen that way. People think highly of love between husband and wife -- it's something like Adam and Eve being attracted to each by Satanic power. For whom was Adam created? He was created first for God; next, for his spouse. Eve was created first for God's joy, next for her spouse. For whom does God exist? First, God is for Himself, and then He is for man. God, as the subject, is first, for Himself; secondly, for the being in the objective position, man. The ultimate subject is always better than the object. So, God is the eternal plus, the absolute plus. Every being, though male or female, is in the objective position to God. If I go into detail it would take time. Let's conclude that this is the point where God can come down to man [male and female], and the children can come up to the parents. This is the nuclear point of all.

Man and woman put together is the core of the whole world. If we divide man and woman, one would be the plus world and the other, the minus world. When they are together, there is the action of give and take, harmony, life and love. Why do you marry? For whom? Don't forget this. First of all, for God, second, for your spouse. third for yourself and fourth, for your children. In your position, you only have one fourth of the whole thing. Then, can you feel free to do whatever you want with yourself? Can you freely divorce your wife or husband? Is there anyone here who is going to marry just for experience? Can divorce just to have another experience be your way? Your thought must come in accord with the Divine Principle.

Suppose either your father or mother would pass away. Would you like to have your mother remarry someone else? [NO!] Suppose your mother gave birth to you at the age of 21 and your father passed away shortly after your birth. Would you want your mother to remarry? No, from the bottom of your heart you wouldn't like your mother to marry another man. But when you are widowed you are lonely and besides, in the Divine Principle world we want to give birth to as many children as possible under the purified lineage. So, Master has set up a conditional custom to solve that problem. When a spouse of a blessed couple is about to die, leaving a spouse still young, that spouse may leave a will allowing the young husband or wife to be free to remarry and have many children. He or she would marry not a single person but another widowed spouse from a blessed marriage. The children on both sides would live together in the same home. The husband and wife of the second marriage would play the role of true father and true mother to the children of the first marriage. This is quite a story but it is something that must be done in the long run.

With the woman in the core, there are three circles around her, broadening its area. She wants to have children as well as material wealth to support them. The material wealth corresponds to the Old Testament Age; the childrens correspond to the New Testament Age; and she, in the core, represents the Completed Testament Age. She is the most important one. She is in the position of the true parent and things are in the position of the created things. With the Human Fall, this is what would have taken place in Adam's family, in the Garden of Eden. Due to the Human Fall, all these things were lost. In order to restore them, we must go the reverse way, restoring the things first, next the children and finally the True Parents. That will form the true family. That is the course of restoration or re-creation. In the course of restoration in another sense, we are going to sacrifice things of lower level for the things of higher level. So, we are going to sacrifice things for the sake of children and children for the sake of the True Parents.

To go back, we can say that this person is born or created by God for the sake of God first. In order to resemble God, she must take her spouse, and in that case she must think of her spouse as being in the position of God -- belonging to God. Her husband, before being hers, is God's. She, also, before belonging to her husband, belongs to God. In that way they must be united into one, as husband and wife. In order for us to make what belongs to God as ours, you must be perfectly united into one with your spouse, and then, by resembling God, He will abide in you and you in Him and what is God's is yours and what is yours is God's. With those three put together, God's love is yours and your love is God's and you can claim your love as yours. Only by enjoying that perfect love can you claim love as yours. Do you know what I mean? You cannot claim even yourself as yours unless you go through or possess the love between husband and wife. That love must resemble God's. When those three are together, in oneness, God's love as yours and your love as God's, then you can claim God's love as yours. (Pointing to someone in the audience) Martin [Porter] is here as your husband and he can claim you saying: "Dawn [Porter] is mine". Would you want to be called his? Are you hurt when he says that you are his? Without perfect Godly love there, you cannot claim him and he cannot claim you. We must know that clearly. In Democracy there is individual ownership, while in Communism there is totalitarian ownership by the state. We know, however, that ultimately everything belongs to us -- everything is for the sake of each man. However, when you want to claim yourself and your love, everything must be centered on God or else you can never claim that.

Dawn has a boy and when she says, "He is my boy," she can only say that in Godly love towards him. The boy can claim his mother only with God-centered love. Everybody is attracted by love; greater love will attract you. Everything wants to belong to a master who would love more. Whose is the greatest love? God's love is the greatest love. Everybody, consciously or not, would want to belong to God's love. If those four love each other in complete oneness -- that love is God-centered and no one can sever that relationship. In love you find God's love, parent's love, matrimonial love and children's love. Every kind of love is there. Then, with Dawn in the center or at the top, next there will be her children and down below all the things. If you were in the position of the things, wouldn't you want to belong to the master that would love you most? The same way, even the small puppy would like to belong to the master that would love him most. We can conclude that whoever has the most love will attract more people and more of everything else. You can claim them as yours, but remember, first they belong to God, and they belong to themselves, too.

Suppose you want to love this person. God's love is there on the vertical level. If you want to make your love towards her strictly horizontal, your love and God's love will not meet, in 90 degrees. Unless you are able to do that -- to have those two points meet, leaving 90 degrees on both sides -- your love cannot meet God's that way and you cannot claim her. You must put yourself in the position to meet God's love, in order for your to claim her. Then she will belong to you. In other words you must love her as God loves her. You must love her as you love God.

Suppose you have a daughter who is about to be married. Wouldn't you want her future husband to love her as much as you do? Then, you, as the parents, would be willing to have her belong to him. You would willingly say: "Mine is yours." Without love, you cannot own anything or shift the ownership to others. We must view everything -- every human being -- from this viewpoint. In the Divine Principle family, with the parents in the center, we have the children and things in the outer range. Those three must be united in complete oneness in harmony. With Master in center, the children and the things must be put together into harmonious oneness. His love will flow down to you and it will be returned; it will go back and forth to form a circle.

I must teach you to love God more than you love me. Then you can love me; and you will be mine and I will be yours. Without receiving God's love, you cannot really become one with Master, whom God loves. Master would have you love your spouse as you love him. In that love, your children would be multiplied. You can claim them when you love them as God Himself loves them. You must love them as you love your spouse. After that, you may love your children more than your spouse. It's not a sin, or against the law. Since the blood lineage is the most important consideration, in Korea there is a proverb, "Even though you may discard your spouse, you can never discard your children. Your children are what are dearest to you." In the western world this is also true. So, without doubt, in the future, oriental philosophy will be the leading one. Why? Because it is in accordance with the Divine Principle. God demands that! Our conclusion is that those who love man and woman as God loves them can possess and claim those things as theirs.

Do you know why you are attracted to me? Wherever I go, our members want to follow me. They are pleased to see me, to do things for me, to tell me things. Why? The reason is because I am transcendent of family boundaries, national boundaries and everything else in the Satanic world. I am trying to restore every level of things back into the bosom of God, where God's love is exercised and realized in you and around you so that we can restore everything. Your conscience tells you to obey your True Parents, and you are attracted to them. The Principle tells you that first you must love God, next, the True Parents and then you can love yourself. Where does the love of yourself come? Last. You must love the True Parents above the love of your spouse and the love of yourself.

When you have a harmonious life, all of a sudden the True Parents may call your husband Martin, leaving you alone. Perhaps he must go for a special purpose. You must be willing to let him leave you. Back in Korea the blessed families are obedient to such an extent that when I sent all the blessed women out to the frontline, the husbands did not object or complain, and took care of their children. Those things can happen because they know the Principle and they know that what they are doing is for the sake of the whole world. In the Satanic nation, too, when the government would recruit and demand the service of men in the army, can their wives object? If they could, there would be no peace in that country. What is taking place in our movement is coming in light of the Divine Principle.

We must solidify our conclusion. Those who cannot love anybody or anything in the love of God are not entitled to those things. In ultimate love, in perfect love, dictatorship is possible; you would not object to it. You want to be bossed by the one you love. Whom does this suit belong to, ultimately? To God first. Next to the True Parents. Even though you may have bought that, you must think it's given by God through our True Parents. Conversely, your True Parents will return them to you with God's love added. According to the Divine Principle, giving and possessing start from the True Parents. God remains on the spiritual level. My mind, where God abides, my flesh and my belongings must be returned to God. Centered in myself, my clothes and everything in my possession are in the generation stage; my flesh symbolizes the growth stage and my mind symbolizes perfection stage. My mind is the core. There we can meet God's love and make oneness with Him. Therefore, my whole being and everything I have belongs to God and must be willingly returned to Him. God, in return, will return everything back to us. After that, we can claim them as ours. At that point we will be in the position of Adam and Eve without the Fall. When you girls are in the position of Eve in perfection and men in the position of Adam in perfection, only then alone will you be qualified to come together in matrimony which you will claim as yours. When you are married to your spouse in God's love, everything will be in terms of "ours," no longer "mine" or "yours," but "ours." Centered on the matrimonial love, you'll come together through your minds, where God's love abides. Your mind is in the position where God operates. Your body represents your children, your children correspond to your body, and all things correspond to your belongings, to your wealth and possessions.

Then you must go back to think that everything, every man belongs to God. It is safe to think that each and everything in your ownership belongs to God. You must know that. Without this principle exercised among us, we cannot make the whole world into one, having parents and things in common. In a nation you have the ruler, the people and the land. In that case too, the land is like your belongings and the people are like the children representing your body and the ruler is like your parent. But the ultimate being of sovereignty will be God. If there be any ideal ruler, he must realize that he, himself, as well as the people, the land and all their possessions belong to God. Ultimately the whole universe must realize that it belongs to God. In return, if you are one with God in love, what is God's will be yours. He will be willing to put those things back in your possession. Since God is invisible, you want to love the ones whom God loves most. God loves all mankind, so you want to love all mankind. By loving those whom God loves, you can meet and love God. You must never forget that all the things of three levels are one. They have been put in that kind of order and reach back to the original point by reversing the order. Centering on yourself, if you are going to restore the corrupted world, they will come to the position to put themselves on the horizontal level so that you can see them, have them on the horizontal base. We are going to broaden the horizontal base, parallel to each other. After going through the love of indemnity we have to pay indemnity to make ourselves accustomed to that kind of love or win and enjoy that kind of love. We will have the original love and will be able to enjoy it. In the course of restoration through indemnity we want to love the people of the world. So, we want to shed our tears, our sweat and our blood in love for the people. After having won the victory in the battle, we will be enjoying love, not in sweat, or tears or bloodshed, but in the sweat of joy, in tears of joy. That day, when we look into our past, we will glorify God and will find ourselves in the Kingdom of God. We will think that all our dreams were realized and will be proud of ourselves for doing it.

Today I have told you that we can reach God only through offerings. By that I mean that we must sacrifice ourselves. Offerings are in the position of ourselves being sacrificed. We want to feel like sacrificing ourselves for the greater cause -- for the love of God. Since God is loving all mankind, we will sacrifice ourselves for all mankind. By sacrificing us, the ones He loves, God will restore mankind. So much for today, and tomorrow I will speak on the transition of blood lineage centered in man's restoration. I want you to remember that at all costs you must know how to love God -- how to love our True Parents, and that what you must leave behind you is love. If you do that, love will be given to you in return. I want you to put that in practice. Can I trust you? [Yes!]


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