Showing posts with label Sun Myung Moon speak on abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sun Myung Moon speak on abortion. Show all posts

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Sun Myung Moon speak on abortion

Sun Myung Moon speak on abortion

Each of you was born with a specific lifespan. When a man and woman abort a baby in the womb, the baby goes to the spirit world and tries to pull them over into the fog. The spirit of the aborted baby will never disappear since they were created to live eternally. The baby will say, 'I could have become the pillar of love between my parents but they killed me.' Then the invisible black and white clouds, and the fog will block them in their path and chaos will take place. They will have car accidents and die suddenly.

The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2012

If you become pregnant, you have no right to have an abortion. You do not know who could become the child; he can become a saint, can save America or even become American president. How can you kill him on your own whim?

Book "World Scripture and the teaching of Moon Sun Myung" page 97 (Russian version)

Therefore, abortion is a sin. Each fetus represents the parents’ love, life and lineage. It is human; how can anyone consider it merely an animal? What is that cell that forms at conception? It is very much a human being! Within that single cell are human beings’ love, life and lineage. Therefore, it represents the parents and has the same value as the parents. The father’s love and mother’s love are contained within that would-be baby.

230:120, April 26, 1992)

Once a baby is conceived, you must not abort it. You never know whom that baby could grow up to be maybe a saint, maybe someone who could save America, maybe even the President of the United States. So how can you destroy it as you wish? What if my mother had exercised her “right to choose” like people do today? I would not have been born. Suppose a husband and wife give birth to a child with a deformity. Do they terminate its life and say, “Well, we can try again”? Is that true love? No, of course it is not.

(117:292, April 11, 1982)

What if my mother also used the "right to choose", as do modern women? Then I would not have been born. That is why abortion is a sin. Each embryo embodies the love, life and lineage parents. Fetus (embryo) - is a man, how can consider him someone like an animal? What do you know about cell-embryo, formed during the time of conception? This is a real being! In this cell already, has a human love, life and lineage? Therefore, it represents the parents and has the same value as the parents. In the expected baby is already embodied the love of father and mother.

(230-120 g of 26 April 1992)

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