Thursday, February 13, 2020

True God's Day in Brazil

True God’s Day in Brazil

Sun Myung Moon, January 1, 1997
Translator, Jung Choe

What is this year's motto? Please recite this year's motto Let Us Love True Parents and Be Proud of True Parents by Accomplishing the 3.6 Million Blessing. Last year's motto was Let Us Love True Parents and Be Proud of True Parents. This theme will continue until the year 2000. Since this motto expresses our purpose of being proud of True Parents, it should not be changed until the year 2000.

I decided on this year's motto because I want you to keep in mind the 3.6 million couples Blessing. If the 3.6 million couples Blessing is accomplished this year, it will be a historical event in heaven and on earth. If this goal is completed, the next Blessing will be 36 million couples. Do you think 36 million couples and 360 million couples are easier than 3.6 million couples?

Twelve months are twice as many as six months. That indicates two of Satan's numbers, representing the formation stage and growth stage respectively. Thus if the goal of 3.6 million couples is surpassed this year, the foundation to surpass Satan's number of completion will be established on earth. If the 3.6 million couples Blessing is accomplished, the next Blessing will be 36 million couples. How long will it take to extend the Blessing to all humankind?

The unchanging family formula

Every man and woman, including Adam and Eve, has needed a family. The family formula will never change. It applies to any time and any historical situation. You should know the unchangeable truth that man and woman should be united following the ideal of Adam's family.

Adam and Eve are God's substantial, visible body. We can't see our mind, but we see our body. Likewise, when God dwells within Adam's body, God and Adam become one like mind and body. The marriage of Adam and Eve fulfills God's will because God dwells within them. Adam is the substantial object partner of God's subjective and masculine sung sang, while Eve is the substantial object partner of His hyung sang. Therefore, the marriage of Adam and Eve who are united with God is like God's marriage.

God's ideal of creation is consummated when Adam and Eve make love for the first time after receiving the Holy Blessing. This is the unity of divine love and human love and the beginning of the settlement of the family centering on God. People didn't know about this until now. Our Unificationists have to know the word and practice it.

If Adam and Eve had become one by completing true love without falling, and if they had loved their sons and daughters and raised them to become parents, their love would be the same as God's. People inherit Adam's God-centered family tradition by following the example of Adam's family. Because God is absolute, unique, unchangeable and eternal, God's love is also absolute, unique, unchangeable and eternal, and God's object of love is to be absolute, unique, unchangeable and eternal.

The nature of love

Only love can make two people become one body centering on True Love, father and son, husband and wife, and father and mother can make one body. When brothers unite centering on True Love, they become one body. Only True Love can make unity and oneness. This is not the love of receiving, but the love of giving.

True Parents are in a position to give eternally and then forget; then they give again for the sake of their children. It is the same with true spouses and true brothers. Therefore, True Love is the love of continually giving, forgetting and giving again. In the Blessed family, all relationships-such as the vertical relationship of father and son, the lateral relationship of husband and wife, and the sequential relationship of brother and brother-can be unified centering on True Love that is absolute, unique, unchangeable and eternal. The positions of up and down, right and left, and front and back, centered on yourself, all form the number seven, which is the number of completion.

Unless the domain of the number seven is formed, existence has no value and relationships will be destroyed. This is why each of us has to form relationships corresponding to up and down, right and left, and front and back. You will lose the foundation for settlement if grandparents, parents and children are not completely centering on you. This is the four position foundation which the Unification Church teaches, and it needs to be completed.

If you are asked what the completion of God's will is you should know that it is the completion of the four position foundation. All human beings need parents, an object partner, and children. The family-level four position foundation consists of the three stages of children, parents and grandparents.

The family seed

The four position foundation is like the family seed. A seed is the combined body of the past, present and future. If such a seed is planted, your family including your grandparents' couple, your parents' couple and your couple can expand horizontally to the world. If the seed of Adam's family is planted it will produce hundreds or thousands of seeds which can expand the three-generation family horizontally to the world. A seed is the fruit of the past, the starting point of the present, and the connection to the future. Common sense tells us that the seed contains the past, present and future.

If God and humankind become one and form a family in accordance with True Love, it will develop eternally according to the family formula. One seed of a pine tree can produce numerous seeds and multiply into a great number of pine trees all over the world, and every one of those pine seeds will have the same value. Likewise, if Adam's family is the seed of the human family, all families multiplied from that seed have the same value.

Although the blessing of God, Adam and the future family start from the same standard, God's position is that of the past while Adam's position is that of the present and is the starting point of the future family. What is the center of all those positions? Adam and Eve united with God. Grandparents represent the spiritual world, while sons and daughters represent the future.

Then, if all positions are unified centering on Adam and Eve, Adam would be the king of the Kingdom of God on Earth. Adam represents God and is in the position of God because he has experienced all these positions. Vertically, God's position is the past, Adam's is the present, and his sons and daughters are the future.

Grandparents dwell within the family as substitutes for God; Adam dwells in the family as a king, and his descendants will become kings of the future. In this sense, the three generations must be inseparable from one another. Thus, your father and mother are in the position of king and queen, representing the kingship of all humankind. However, since the present kingship is connected to the past, the father has to be united with the grandfather, and since kingship is linked to the future the present family members should work to develop the future.

What is God's desire? Although God loves Adam as a son, it is God's position to love His grandchild more than His son. Three generations should be connected, but because Adam's family fell God was able to love only the second generation, Adam and Eve, and not their sons and daughters.

As God's grandchildren, the children of Adam and Eve should have received two kinds of love: that of the present king and queen and that of the past king and queen. Because of the Fall they became unable to receive two kinds of love. If the three vertical stages of grandfather, father and son are not connected, there will be no place for husband and wife or elder and younger brothers to meet. Since something must pass through three points to be completed, it is logical that if God has never loved the third generation, His grandsons and granddaughters, He cannot complete His love.

The position where the elements of the four-position foundation become one is the receiving position, the position of grandson and granddaughter. A living body cannot bear a seed without receiving horizontal and vertical love. The vertical connection with eternal life gives the seed its historical significance.

What is the most necessary requirement for giving birth? It is the parents' vertical love. The relationship between grandfather, father and son form the three stages which connect past, present and future. If there is no such axis for three stages to be unified within the family, there is no central point for unifying left and right or front and back.

The family as God's dwelling

So what is God's ideal for the family? It is the place where grandparents and parents are united centering on True Love and the place where parents and their children become one. Adam and Eve were to grow and become husband and wife, relating to each other as left and right. Then they were to expand by having children and developing the relationship of front and back. When a couple is united front and back and vertically and horizontally, they are an ideal family where God can dwell.

How can God dwell in your family? Where is the central line that establishes six unified positions in the family? Within God Himself are grandparents, parents, siblings and children. God has grown from being a brother and sister to being a husband and wife, and parents.

When Adam and Eve grew into adulthood, they needed an object partner, a love partner. Oneness in love is achieved by combining concave and convex. For a man and woman to combine concave and convex means to be one. Without combining concave and convex, man and woman cannot find love or produce a lineage connected with history. When concave and convex are combined, the love of man and woman is completed. Man and woman as individuals cannot accomplish true love, even though they know what it is; therefore, they look for an eternal love.

God is absolute, unique, unchangeable and eternal. Concave and convex have to be absolutely united in a unique and eternal bond. Eternal love starts from the joining of sexual organs. Concave and convex combine to complete love, connect with the blood lineage, and create life.

Without a place where concave and convex can be combined, people are ignorant about love and life. The combination of concave and convex forms the base for forming a perfect individual, a family, a nation, an ideal world, and the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. An eternal tradition linked to history starts from there. Parents and grandparents should be completely united in upholding this ideal.

Please do not think that it is strange that I speak a great deal about the sexual organ. When you completely understand about the sexual organ, you know about perfect love, the complete life, the complete blood lineage, the perfect family, the perfect nation, the perfect kingdom of God, and the perfect God.

The problem is how to control your sexual organ. Concave exists because of convex, while convex exists because of concave. Therefore, the woman's concave part belongs to the man's convex part, while the man's convex belongs to the woman's concave part. You are not the owner of your sexual organ; you are just the manager.

How to find fulfillment

These concave and convex parts were created to find love and fit together in love. Since they are related to love, if concave and convex are combined in search of love, they can seize God's love. When they join as subject and object in the lower position, the invisible God as the higher subject unites with them centering on love.

Men and women wish for absolute, unique, unchangeable and eternal partners. On finding love, the husband and wife become one and seek God's love. Man and woman can completely unite through joining their sexual organs. This place where concave and convex are combined needs to be completely and vertically united with God, who is the subject of love. Without this unity with each other and with God, man and woman are not whole. If concave and convex are not combined, the existence of man and woman has no value and their lineage will disappear.

Once a true man and a true woman are fulfilled as individuals and as a couple, what should they do next? Marriage means to seize God, who is the subject of love, through loving Him. Men as well as women absolutely need love. They need absolute love. In the highest ideal of love, man and woman become eternally, unchangeably, uniquely and absolutely united centering on absolute love. When they get married as subject and object, they form an absolute, unique and unchangeable relationship through these attributes of God. There is no second absolute and no second uniqueness in their marriage. Unique means one. Unchangeability does not mean that two elements vary according to circumstances; it is a result of being absolutely one.

When Adam and Eve shake hands, theirs is a unique, unchangeable and eternal handshake. Nobody knew that love is based on these preconditions. In the Unification Church, those who get Blessed not only meet their object partner but also exchange an absolute, unique, unchangeable and eternal handshake and kiss. Every hug and interaction between such a couple becomes eternal, absolute, unique and unchangeable.

In each of the 360 degrees, Adam is the eternal subject partner of Eve and Eve is the eternal object partner of Adam. They are in a 100 percent perfect relationship of subject and object. If another subject tries to unite with Eve before Adam and Eve are absolutely one, Adam will strongly repel it. Therefore, to Eve, Adam is an absolute, unique, unchangeable and eternal husband and to Adam, Eve is an absolute, unchangeable and eternal wife.

If their marriage becomes absolutely united with God, they complete their purpose of creation. This is how God, Adam, Eve, their children, blood lineage, the eternal nation and the eternal Kingdom of God are completed. This is how the eternal Kingdom of God becomes ours.

The beginning point of kingship

When Adam and Eve become parents and then grandparents, the elder sonship and parentship are completed and kingship starts. Thus True Parents are the foundation for the True King.

Adam's descendants form many families, and his lineage becomes a tribe, a nation, and the world. This means that Adam's seed contains all the families, tribes and nations. It contains the world, the Kingdom of Heaven and even God's whole ideal for the creation. Moreover, you should know that because Adam's family had the potential to be substantially united with God through love, it represented Heaven and Earth.

Adam is not only the king of the family, but also the king of the tribe. Moreover, as God becomes the king of the tribe, the nation, the world, and the cosmos, He becomes parents and the owner of this expanded world. If Adam's descendants prosper, they will expand into a family, tribe, nation, and world centering on the family. In other words, Adam is the core of the outward expansion of the world.

Even though by the ten thousandth generation Adam's family is numerous, the seed of your united family has the same value as Adam's family seed. In his position as family-level king, the father has the same value as the national-level king and the world-level king and even the heavenly king. Therefore, we conclude that all families have to advance and occupy the royal palace of the heavenly kingdom. If Adam and Eve had many sons and daughters, their younger children should marry the sons and daughters of their eldest son. In this way, the ideal of kingship expands to the clan and tribal levels.

Family etiquette

Now you know how much difference there is between God's ideal family and today's fallen world. You women who live in South America, do you absolutely need your husband? (We need them.) Do you absolutely need them? (Yes!) You have only one husband, not two. Is he unique? (Yes!) Unchangeable? (Yes!) Eternal? (Yes!) Once you have made the promise of marriage, it is absolute. You should know that other people cannot interfere with the relationship between husband and wife.

I heard that Brazil has the second highest number of AIDS patients in the world. Phew! Will this country be destroyed or will it develop and advance? Where does a nation start to perish? It starts from the individual and the family. If the family is destroyed, the society and the nation perish. The fundamental problem comes from the family.

Because Adam's family was destroyed and his sons and daughters were overturned, the whole world was destroyed. In the same way, today's world has lost absolute love, and the foundation of God's eternal, unchangeable ideal family cannot help being destroyed like Adam's family.

You women should absolutely praise your husband! When all women in South America answer, "Sim" (yes), then all created things of South America will say, "That's right." Women should bow to their husband. (Applause.) Which husband do you want to see: one who is welcomed by his wife with a full bow, or one who cannot be trusted and who falls into free sex? Your cells are trembling all over. Love is not to be used freely as you wish. It is heavenly law that the woman's love door should be opened with the key of her real and true husband. Moreover, before you open your love door you should be an absolute woman.

Men, suppose that after you are blessed, the most beautiful woman happens to stand beside you. Do your eyes and five sensory organs turn to her? Do your hands try to hold her hand or body? There are a lot of beautiful women in the world. Don't try to get away from beauty; instead, you should train yourself so that your mind and body can ignore her attraction and you desire to touch your wife instead.

Women, suppose that after you are blessed, you happen to meet a handsome man on the street. Is your mind attracted to him? If so, you are a slut!

Like God, love is absolute, unique, unchangeable and eternal, and God has been looking for men and women with such qualities. However, there is not any house on earth in which God can dwell because the family standard was not established. There is no house in which God as the subject of sung sang and hyung sang could settle down and find the ideal woman as the object of His love.

The palace of life and love

Your sexual organ is an original palace of life and love. You should prepare palace sites extending in all 360 degrees from the true and pure original palace. That should be the palace where God can always dwell, centering on your house, and coming and going to your whole clan.

What should be like that palace? My sexual organ is the original palace of love. Please repeat after me. (My sexual organ is the original palace of love.) My sexual organ is the original palace of my blood lineage. (My sexual organ is the original palace of my blood lineage.) Only when it becomes like that, can it be the palace where God can dwell.

Because God is the King of kings and it is God who has to dwell in the palace, in order to attend God, your sexual organ should be the original palace of life, blood lineage and consciousness. Amen! Please say Amen. (Amen) What is the meaning of amen? It means that we wish that the word will be done.

Your sexual organ is absolute. You have an absolute part, the palace of your sexual organ. Although it may not look that special, if the sexual organ is used wrongly, the world, history, family and everything is destroyed. Man's sexual organ is made to be erect vertically. Vertical! Man should remain faithful to his cause rather than to woman. Because Eve did not keep her chastity, she fell and seduced Adam. This is the very problem. You have to deny this.

Then what is marriage? Through marriage, a man and a woman, who are each half, combine their sexual organs and become completed. A man becomes perfect through a woman centering on love, and he makes a woman complete. Through true love, they become complete and fulfill the unity of love. Through the joining of their sexual organs, man's blood and woman's blood united in one melting pot. From that place sons and daughters are born. You should know that that place is more precious than children, spouse or God.

Because I talk like this, I seem to be a heretic! What is that place? It is more valuable than children, spouse and parents. Without that place, even parents, spouse and children are worthless. Because it is so valuable, you should tightly lock the door of your sexual organ so that nobody can see it. It is like a valuable treasure which you should preserve throughout your life. There are only two keys to the door: the wife keeps her husband's key, and the husband keeps his wife's key.

Are you women of South America going to take the key of only one man? Free sex is when you take ten or 100 keys! An opened door through which everybody comes and goes incessantly is a door that has no lord. To act like a slut is to ruin your house of love.

The value of the Blessing

In order to remove these evils, True Parents come to Earth and celebrate a Blessing. The Blessing is the most valuable thing. The Blessed family cannot be exchanged for anything because it has a limitless, unique and eternal value.

Centering on the absolute, unique, unchangeable and eternal God, Adam's family has objective value before the subjective God. However, since everybody has a sexual organ and love is practiced through this organ, the sexual organ enables man to share his joy and sorrow together with God centering on love.

As I mentioned before, because the value of each seed is equal, regardless of whether 1,000 or 10,000 years has passed, in order for ideal families to be established, a family with the same seed as Adam's family should be made. When such a seed is found in a good father and mother, then their ancestors and even God let them match their seed with the origin. As long as they connected through the center, each of those seeds has the same value as the seed of Adam's family, even though they lie in different directions. This is the family that God wants to form.

Restoration through indemnity

Because of the fall, the providence of salvation was begun, and the providence of salvation is the providence of restoration. Nothing can be restored without paying indemnity; thus, the providence of restoration is the restoration of indemnity.

I have come to remove all historical indemnity. Even though you have met me, you also have to remove the contents of this indemnity. In order to advance, you have to remove all kinds of indemnity in your ancestry. Indemnity is removed through sacrifice.

The Unificationists of South America do not know restoration through indemnity. If you have a debt, you have to pay it. If the parents or ancestors have a debt, the descendants have to pay it. Do you know what I mean? This is restoration through indemnity.

If you fulfill restoration through indemnity as a family and as a nation, I do not need to go through such hard times. Because you don't know the way of indemnity, I have taken care of the indemnity on all eight stages from the individual level to God. Because True Parents have made the expressway of restoration through indemnity by connecting ladders of the individual, family, tribe, nation, and world, you have to follow this pattern in order to advance. Those who dislike going up the ladders of eight stages from the individual level to God and follow the Unification Church without removing indemnity will fall into hell. Even in the spirit world, there are still ladders for advancing.

True Parents are making a bridge to remove all the ladders of the eight stages, and we are climbing them for your sake. Since this is so, are you going to disobey my direction? If you try to do as you like, you will be destroyed. I will expel such a person.

The end of historical indemnity

Where are we now in the providential time line? On November 1, 1996, in Uruguay, I declared the settlement of the Family Federation for World Peace and the end of indemnity. Nothing more remains to be indemnified. After receiving persecution for 50 years, I have removed every bridge from the individual to the worldwide level and have brought it to the higher level.

The Unification Church was established on a level plane. Therefore, wherever I go, everyone, whether old or young, man or woman, should follow me, saying "Father! Father!" People should not follow me out of dislike. Instead, they should follow me with joy and a smile.

I have been persecuted my whole life. Nobody knows the story behind that persecution. I developed God's providence while receiving persecution from the worst men in the fallen world. Individuals, families, nations, and the world have opposed me, kicking and stepping on me and treating me as an enemy. Because all persecution has passed through these stages over 40 years, and the family of True Parents has been drawn up to the worldwide level; everything is leveled out and there is no more need for ladders. All the historical indemnity from Adam until now has been removed, and you should know that the foundation of hope for this world which God was expecting to be formed in Adam's family has emerged again on the worldwide level.

Who is Adam? Adam is the eldest son of the elder sons. Adam became the eldest parent after growing up as the eldest son. Based on being the royal son he became the royal parent. Finally, Adam is the king of kings. I am the son who gained the victory of eldership before all humankind as the worldwide Adam. In God's thinking, there is only one son, not two. There is absolutely one son.

Who is the True Father? He is the father of fathers, the royal father. There is only one set of True Parents, not two. Adam was the elder king of kings and True Parents are the coming king of kings.

To be a representative eldest son, True Parents should digest the democratic world and the communist world. I destroyed the communist world with the thought of victory over communism. Because I saved America which had been destined to destruction, I am the eldest son before God. Therefore, the realm of elder sonship was established.

The left wing and the right wing represent Cain and Abel in Adam's family. The right-wing was all Abel-type people and the left-wing was all Cain-type before Jesus. However, due to Jesus' failure in fulfilling the mission of True Parents, the right-side robber and the left-side robber became right-wing and left-wing respectively. This expanded to the worldwide level, and True Parents came to take the responsibility to lead the two realms.

The bride culture

The world that Jesus did not unify at the national level has to unite and receive a bride on the victorious foundation of establishing the elder sonship. Christianity is the bride religion.

Then where does the worldwide elder sonship go? To the realm of the worldwide Eve nation. The son establishes kingship after receiving a bride. Although Christianity is the bride culture, it is divided because of fighting between Cain and Abel. That is why True Mother has not fulfilled her responsibility yet. Even God cannot go to Christianity when they are fighting one another. Satan's side also claims dominion over them. Our task is to connect the victorious foundation of North America, where most people are Christians, to South America and people of a lower culture and unite them. I cannot go back without establishing the foundation to receive True Parents in the Christian realm of a lower culture. Following that, Europe should be united centering on the unity of South America and North America. Then Judaism, Christianity and Islam should be united

The terminal of the way of world restoration is the position of parents centering on the brothers who were divided into left and right in Adam's family. The terminal of the way of world restoration goes beyond the family-level fight between the children of Rachel and Leah in Jacob's family and beyond the national-level struggle in Zechariah's family and Jesus' family.

Because the right side is the right-wing and the left side is the left-wing in Satan's fallen world, you have to go to the right side to turn the world around and restore it. Who goes first in the returning process? Because Cain goes first and Abel follows him, Abel is always hit, and Satan persecutes him until the Last Days. In the Last Days as Christianity in the bride position becomes united, England as Eve, America as Abel, and France as Cain will be united centering on the position of Eve. These nations represent the Cain and Abel who were lost in Adam's family.

Christianity had lost Jesus' body, and in spite of getting spiritual salvation, Christianity suffered attack in order to find the body. Thus, World War II was caused by the attack of three nations on Satan's side (Japan, German and Italy) on England, America and France. Heavenly fortune allowed the world the opportunity to unite centering on Christian culture and receive the Lord of the Second Advent in the position of the united mind and body of Jesus. If the second Messiah had that foundation of unity, the Unification Church would not have suffered, the democratic world would not have collapsed, and humankind would not have been damaged by communism.

If the world had attended me after World War II, it would have been united within seven years, and there would have been no suffering of the Unification Church and no damage to the democratic world.

After World War II, the Christian bride culture did not receive the True Father's ideal of true love, which is the bridegroom culture. Thus, the Lord of the Second Advent was expelled to the wilderness where there was no foundation. Out of the wilderness, God and I had to rebuild the Christian bride culture that had been prepared for 4000 years. That is why the suffering course took 40 years.

God lost the providential foundation of England, America and France due to their failure. God cannot reuse what has failed, and they could be restored only through the second generation. I reestablished the realm of Eve, Archangel and Abel, choosing Japan as the Eve nation, America as the Abel nation, and Germany as the Archangel nation. The process of establishing the realm of bride nations has been miserable and tragic.

The fact that Korea in the position of Israel has opposed me on the national level for 20 years has to be restored. Because Korea and America represent the Old Testament age and the New Testament age respectively, I prepared for 20 years to restore the Christian bride culture centering on America, which is in the position of the second Israel. Since America, Japan and Germany did not receive me at the worldwide level, they became enemy nations in opposition to me.

True Mother's role

However, because the Protestant culture is in the position of the subject to lead the Christian culture to receive the Lord of Second Advent, Eve has the responsibility to save those enemy nations so that they can receive the Lord of the Second Advent. Therefore, I spent 20 years in America preparing the way to restore heavenly tradition by uniting enemy nations such as America and Japan, Japan and Germany, and Japan and Korea. During those 20 years, there was unimaginable suffering.

America, Japan and Germany have opposed me to the end. Now True Mother stands as the bride embracing Christianity and uniting these nations. Until 1992, I was alone. True Mother could not stand beside me. She could not appear until the circumstances were created to enable Catholicism and Protestantism to unite as Cain and Abel. Therefore, the Women's Federation for World Peace was established in 1992, centering on True Mother, and the movement to liberate women was proclaimed. The time of women was opened.

This happened 40 years after 1952. The bride's realm should have been completed by 1952, seven years after 1945, but because it failed it took another 40 years, from 1952 to 1992, to restore that lost foundation. After passing over that period of suffering, True Mother could emerge.

One reason why the realm of Christian culture could not receive the Lord of the Second Advent is because it was said that Jesus would come to earth on the clouds. That prediction came about because John the Baptist's failure should be indemnified when the Lord of the Second Advent comes to earth with a substantial physical body and passes through the indemnity course.

Restoring post-war failures

If the Allied nations had united with me after World War II, Mother and the True Children would not exist today. They are sons and daughters who were not supposed to be. If Korea had unified centering on Christian culture, without any persecution, the Moon clan and the Choi clan would have been the center, establishing the position of parents starting from sons and daughters. A peaceful world centered on one true family and one blood lineage would have been realized. However, I lost every foundation because of Christianity's failure.

Everybody came to Satan's side. I was alone. I went through sorrow and suffering not just because the family of Adam and Eve was lost but because I lost the whole foundation that had been prepared from before the creation. The sorrow and suffering could not be recovered by wailing.

Originally, blessings like those that are taking place now should have happened in the 1950's. The purpose of the International Wedding Ceremony of the Unification Church is to establish a heavenly nation based on blessed families. Thus, 14 years before, under the opposition of Christianity, Korean spiritual groups having the name of bride had made organizations knowing that the Lord of the Second Advent would come to earth, and they prepared to receive the Messiah. I have to indemnify all those conditions.

What did I do for 40 years? The realm of conflict between Cain and Abel was mobilized centering on my generation, and the dominion of Cain over the individual, family, tribe, nation, the world and the universe has been controlled by one person for 40 years. Do you know what I mean? I was alone! After my Holy Wedding in 1960, I restored the standard of national messiah in 14 years, something which Jesus had not fulfilled.

Based on the victorious foundation of those 14 years, I moved to America with True Mother to complete the bride realm of the Old Testament and of the New Testament, centering on the worldwide messiah. For the past 21 years, True Parents have fought to complete the bride's realm. The whole world was mobilized to kill me, because if the only Lord of the world is killed, the world will be Satan's.

Raising up True Mother

When the Holy Wedding was held, Mother was 17 years old and I was 40. Why did I marry such a young virgin of 17? Eve fell at the age of 16. Mother's course was to obey me absolutely. True Mother does not know the way of restoration.

The way of True Father is to follow the way of the Divine Principle. Who is True Father to True Mother? Because three generations of grandfather, father and brother were lost due to the fall, Mother has to be able to embrace three generations. Historically, Eve killed three husbands: Eve expelled Adam, killed Jesus and expelled the Lord of the Second Advent to the wilderness for 40 years. Therefore, the bride of the Messiah came from a lineage where for three generations there was only one daughter.

Because the Lord of the Second Advent was coming to Korea, the mission of women spanned three generations and 40 years, in preparation for the bride to meet the Lord of the Second Coming. These three women were Sung Do Kim (Jung, Soo Won's grandmother), Ho Bin Ho, and then True Mother. Those groups knew that the Lord of the Second Advent would come as a man. However, they didn't know who the Lord of the Second Advent was because nobody went to teach them. I met all those spiritual groups and had a spiritual relationship with them. However, they did not recognize me; they betrayed me, just like John the Baptist. Because God's side is hit first and then takes from Satan's side, I was opposed by those groups, but then inherited all their foundation.

Under the rule of Japanese imperialism before the liberation of Korea, I was a leader of the underground movement centering on Christianity. Based on that indemnity condition, I chose True Mother. Even though I blessed Mother, Mother could not be raised in those circumstances. She should have been a representative bride. So what is God's blessing? Because the ideal of the bride is taught to every religious body and order in Christian culture, bride candidates of all ages from 12 to 80 emerged as representatives of their groups before the Lord to come.

Thus, many women received the revelation that they were the bride of the Messiah and believed it absolutely. Those women had sleepless nights because they wanted to meet such a man as me. In the providence of restoration, I am the only qualified man.

What kind of bride should be the mother of the universe and True Mother: a virgin or a grandmother? She should be a virgin. Why? Because she should bring the harvest by receiving the bridegroom's seed.

Because the fallen Eve attracted Adam and made him fall, at the time of restoration does the Lord listen to Eve or does Eve listen to the Lord? The bride has to follow the Lord absolutely. Who chooses the bride? The bridegroom. The bride had to be restored at the age of 17, because Eve fell at the age of 16. Therefore, it is the standard of Divine Principle that a virgin younger than 20 years old has to become the bride.

If I am such a person, are you going to obey absolutely? It took 14 years to choose True Mother. Although the Holy Blessing took place, I could not restore Mother immediately because of jealousy and envy. Therefore, Mother was protected centering on Daemo Nim (great mother). Daemo Nim was accused and persecuted because women thought that she had deprived them of their fortune and had given it to her young daughter. True Mother lived separately from me for three years.

Daemo Nim was so great that she received a revelation of my daily schedule from the spiritual world and talked to True Mother every day. True Mother's greatness was in obeying my direction absolutely. During the three years of separation, every grandmother, old woman and middle aged woman opposed Mother out of jealousy. However, owing to the support of the women of the second generation, True Mother could be liberated and live with me in three and a half years.

Women who received a revelation that their daughters would be the bride came into Mother's room and put their trinkets in the room, complaining that this room was theirs. There was all kinds of jealousy at that time. True Mother had to overcome all those things. Even though I had never given them any sign of love, these women hated True Mother without having any special reason. In the midst of such a situation, the Blessed couples formed a fence to protect True Mother. Through this process, those who felt they deserved some privilege could be put in order. The way of True Mother was also expanded through the international Blessed couples.

Mother can stand at my side

By passing through the course of restoration of the individual, family, tribe, nation, country and the world until April of 1992, and proclaiming the liberation of the world centering on WFWP, True Mother was able to stand beside me.

Since coming to America, True Mother passed over the standard of the restored realm of Eve and within 20 years she could stand in a position to surpass America. Because every delegation of the bride realm is in America, True Mother addressed the American Congress and then the United Nations.

After Mother spoke at the United Nations, Parents' Day was officially established. The worldwide Christian culture became the base on which True Parents could settle down, centering on the foundation of bride. Thus, True Mother restored the lost foundation of Christianity.

The UN is like the palace of the liberal world. Thus, it should be occupied to make all 185 countries commemorate Parents Day. Now is the time to unify the kingship of the world.

Such victorious supremacy should be engrafted into Japan. This victorious supremacy also has to be engrafted into Korea.

The settlement of the family

True Mother began her lecture tour of the world, proclaiming the liberation of woman and announcing True Parents and the Completed Testament Age. Then came the settlement of True Parents and the Completed Testament Age. This was to inherit the realm of the victorious foundation of True Parents. In order for the world family to be able to settle based on the family settlement of True Parents, True Parents are teaching the world the idea of family settlement. Through this teaching came the time of international blessing.

Following the appearance of True Mother, there was a 30,000 couple international Blessing ceremony. This was the blessing of the formation stage of the worldwide level, because for the first time True Parents could conduct the Blessing on an equal level. The 360,000 international Blessing is the growth stage, and the 3.6 million international Blessing is the perfection stage. The 30,000 couple Blessing opened the way for all religions and all nations to receive the Blessing. At the 3.6 million couple Blessing, even people who do not believe can receive the Blessing on the same level.

The biggest problem of the world is the breakdown of the family and juvenile delinquency. Children follow the way of their parents. The family at the end of the world commits the same sin as Adam's family. Because God could not interfere in the fall of Adam's family, no economic, political, ideological or religious organization has been able to stop the decline of the family or end juvenile delinquency. Because false love, false life and false blood lineage were produced due to the fall, True Parents have returned to organize Adam's family and restore everything centering on true love and life. We are removing what is false according to the principle of restoration through indemnity. We are uniting the bride's realm centering on the Christian Federation for World Peace and turning it back to follow the direction of Abel.

The family-level elder sonship, parentship and kingship centered on True Parents have to be connected to the worldwide level. Thus, by removing false lineage and connecting to the Blessed family, Adam's family, Jesus, the Lord of the Second Advent, and all humankind will be completed. Therefore, the time has come for all humankind to receive the Blessing and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The ultimate religious movement is to establish the Kingdom of Heaven by means of the Blessing.

Be proud of True Parents

This is a very important year. What is this year's motto? (Let Us Be Proud of True Parents and Love True Parents by Accomplishing the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing.) To fulfill this motto, you should love and be proud of God centering on True Parents. I love God and am proud of God. Thus, to love True Parents and be proud of True Parents is love God and be proud of God. It is a heavenly tradition.

If I am the Messiah of the world, then national messiahship is the only way to be able to be proud of True Parents. To be proud of True Parents as a national messiah, you need tribal messiahship. To be proud of True Parents as a tribal messiah in front of your descendants and before ancestors, you need family messiahship. This is the concept of the messiah and the way of True Parents.

What is the Messiah? It is True Parents. The family should be proud of their parents centering on God, following the tradition of the messiah. Because such love and pride in the family is in accordance with that love and pride in Heaven and on Earth, such a family can live in the realm of liberation as a family of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Because the national messiah receives the Blessing after fulfilling the family and tribal messiahship that Jesus had desired, the national messiah replaces the realm of Israel with the goal of unifying the whole Roman empire without Satan's accusation. The national messiahs who were sent to 185 nations are in the position to unify the Holy Roman Empire.

The Messiah and True Parents come to the world based on the family. Based on the messianic foundation that I have made, True Parents achieved the victorious family in the place of Jesus and can connect to the kingship of the world in the Roman Empire. You have to know that for certain.

Liberate Jesus' heart

Jesus' heart has to be liberated, and his will has to be accomplished. Jesus lost the whole foundation of family and nation that could control the Roman Empire. Jesus failed because Zechariah's family was not united with him. Thus, Jesus' will could not be accomplished. Because there is no way to progress without resolving Jesus' broken heart, we have to reorganize and to make a bridge to go forward.

Centering on Paraguay, 33 people have been sent all over the country, representing the 33 years of Jesus' life. Jesus lived a solitary life because he was rejected by his brothers, his father, his church and his nation. His short life must have been miserable and solitary. Thus, those 33 people represent each year of Jesus' life, and allow him to have a subject each year.

True Mother has to connect 16 nations in order to liberate Jesus' heart that had not controlled a nation; this will establish the foundation of Israel, centering on 33 people and John the Baptist's family. And then, based on those 16 nations and the associations that include congressmen and those 33 people in each nation, True Mother has to expand this foundation to Korea by way of America. Because Jesus did not find the realm of national Eve centered on six government departments, he failed to hold the Blessing Ceremony centered on 120 followers.

As tribal and national messiahs bless what Jesus could not bless on the national level, I come to bring the blessing on the worldwide level, based on the foundation of fulfilling what Jesus failed to do.

If the members of each national messiah group establish 120 Blessed couples on the national level and make 160 or 180 Blessed couples in the worldwide period of the Lord of the Second Advent, then the mission of national messiah will be finished. The Adam nation and the Eve nation will be restored if 120 people of the Eve nation each bring 180 Blessed couples; then they will be completely liberated. If the worldwide realm of liberation is accomplished, then messiah groups will also come into the realm of liberation. As national barriers are removed, the Lord of the Second Advent and messiah groups can go all over the world. The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth begins with the establishment of the realm of God's liberation.

This year, the most important thing is to accomplish the 3.6 million couples Blessing. I love God and am proud of God. I have invested all my heart, mind and energy into indemnifying every historical wrongdoing. On that foundation the Family Federation for World Peace was established and the ceremony was held to proclaim the end of indemnity. All through the world people will come to think of the Blessed family of Unification Church as the ideal family.

3.6 million couples Blessing

Equalization begins with the unification of God and True Parents and the unification between True Parents and you. This occurred at the moment of change from 1996 to 1997. Even a few minutes before the end of last year, I had removed indemnity. Because all indemnity was removed from the restoration of indemnity, from now on you need to be proud of True Parents rather than just True Father. If you are doing more than being proud of and loving God, it will be nothing to accomplish the 3.6 million couples Blessing.

Therefore our motto is, "Let Us Be Proud of True Parents and Love True Parents by Accomplishing the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing." With the 3.6 million couples Blessing will come the new realm of liberation. If all Blessed families, including the 3.6 million couples, start to talk about the Blessing there will be nobody who does not know of the Blessing.

Who made the wall of persecution? It is the swindlers of the press and political circles. I established the newspaper of righteousness. However, the press calls the Washington Times a conservative newspaper without my permission. Such propaganda makes the Washington Post the liberal newspaper. A liberal paper like New York Times is attempting some reforms because of the Washington Times.

Newspapers should stress family protection and oppose prostitution. This should be the main direction. They should oppose whatever prevents people from fulfilling their purpose. I will respond in opposition to it strongly, no matter what kind of thing it is.

Each of you should reach out to 33 people who can lead at least ten others. In other words, 33 people should lead 330, 330 people should lead 3300, 3300 people should lead 33000, etc. If this continues seven times, the total will be 33,000,000. Then, every thing will be completed. Everybody has relationships with at least ten people, including friends, parents, brothers and sisters. Therefore, if we can connect people in series, the world will be restored automatically.

If the national messiahs in 185 nations bless 185 couples, the Japanese women should bring 150 couples, and other countries 120 couples. If this blessing is carried on through two generations it will reach 480,000,000 couples. Then, the restoration of the world will be finished. If 3.6 million couples are blessed this year, the 36 million couples Blessing will be accomplished easily. Our future goal will be 360 million couples. If such a goal is fulfilled, the Blessing Ceremony should be held all over the world. Then, the heavenly nation will be established and people will be interested in the national registry.

Today, because national messiahs were especially invited to attend this meeting, I am emphasizing 33 people. Hold lectures centering on them for other important figures and connect them to our organizations. The Women's Federation for World Peace has to work centering on the Youth Federation for World Peace, which is the Cain-type association, and the Student Federation for World Peace, which is the Abel-type association. If women and young people join the Family Federation for World Peace, the men will automatically follow their wives and children because they are in the position of archangel. Western countries will follow this formula.

If a national workshop is accomplished, the nation will be restored completely to God's side.

As the 3.6 million couples Blessing approaches, world leaders will begin paying attention to me and want to meet me. The motto of our exhibition is the equalization of technology and most countries have a deep interest in inheriting technology.

If a national workshop is held centering on the cabinet members, the nation will be restored. After True Parents' Birthday this March, we will focus on seeing which country in Latin America will be the first to hold such a workshop. The national messiah groups have to accomplish this. Do you understand? Those who are confident that they can fulfill that mission, raise your hands and say mansei! (Mansei!) May God bless each of you.


The Meaning of the Tribulation that God Foretold

The Meaning of the Tribulation that God Foretold
Heavenly Father Whom We All Want to Attend
Sun Myung Moon
February 12, 1961
Excerpt from the Selected Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Volume XI
Unofficial Translation
God foretold that there would be seven years of great tribulation confronting Humanity at the time of the last days. The period of great tribulation is the time when all saints must face the agonizing difficulties Heaven endured throughout the course of restoration history. As all human relationships will be broken down, you will face circumstances where you cannot trust anything. No matter how much you try to live your life conscientiously and righteously, you cannot insist on your way of life. The more consciously you embrace God's Will and contemplate about the world, the more pain and suffering you will feel as you observe the world. Such a time will be the seven-years of great tribulation in the last days.
It will be a time when all hopes will be shaken, the core of your faith will waver, and the leaders whom you have followed will vacillate. Not only ideologies, but also religions, consciences, and hearts of parents will be shaken. Then, why would God make such a world at the time of the last days? It is because God wants to give the special value that you can truly participate with Him in His suffering history. God has witnessed a vast number of human miseries throughout the past 6,000 years and faced countless difficulties. Therefore, in the last days, He puts you through the environment where you cannot find the center with any ideology or faith. God wants to find true sons and daughters who will be able to say "I love God," or declare, "I will live with God" even in the midst of such tribulations and difficulties.
Knowing this, you should not be discouraged and mournful when you witness the church trembling to its core, nor should you be sorrowful seeing that the leading ideology is no longer believable. You should not be shocked, seeing that a governing leader is fallen. You should not be sad that your parents have changed, nor that your brothers and sisters end up completely different.
Even if everything that you believed and trusted in is in turmoil, your heart should remain calm. You must know that God is never in turmoil and that He will visit you at this hour. Also, know that God only makes you suffer so that one day He will build a precious relationship with you as you share the pain and suffering He has experienced throughout history. Thus, tribulation is His promise to do so. God needs such a time so that He can find a person, even in a most difficult situation, embracing Heaven and crying out, "I will go wherever You go. I will fight on with You. I will take action with You!"
Therefore, you should not despair, saying that your path is blocked. Do not be disheartened that your nation is in turmoil. God is not dead. No matter how terrible the world becomes, you should not be dejected. Remember, God is not dead. God will definitely visit you. Although everything on earth is crumbling, you must not waver in your single-minded devotion to Heaven. You must not change your inner hope that comes from relying on God. To see your unchanging heart, God pushes you into many kinds of difficulties and sufferings.
You must have conviction in your heart that you will call out to your Heavenly Father even when facing unbearable situations. Even if you feel you have fallen to the bottom of the deepest valley, you must make every effort to climb up, using only a string that connects you with Heaven in your heart. Even though you feel bitterness and pain, as if you were falling into Hell, you must poise yourself to attending your Heavenly Father, concerned with your Heavenly Father's pains and sufferings before your own. Believing that Heavenly Father realizes your personal pain and anguish, if you push forward -- no matter how miserable your situation -- with a sense of responsibility and duty, you will never perish.
Today, there are millions of Christians in the world, but how many of them has such a faith? We are attending our Heavenly Father, not at His Throne, but attending Him as he struggles in deadly waves of storms, trying desperately to find His sons or daughters. You must realize the reality of such a Heavenly Father as your Heavenly Father, such a situation is His situation, and such a desperate heart as His heart.
Then you must stand boldly before Him with conviction to proclaim, "I now come to understand that Your Desire is to find your sons and daughters, that Your Situation is to find your lost children, resolving Your historical pains and sufferings and that Your Heart is to love your lost children by embracing them. So, no matter how bitter the suffering or unbearable the difficulties I face, I declare that I am a Manifestation of Your Desire, Your Situation, and Your Heart." You must understand that once you make that commitment, you are Your Heavenly Father's son (child) and responsible to attend Him.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Understanding Life and Death

Understanding Life and Death

Sun Myung Moon

December 18, 1998, Washington, DC
President, Family Federation for World Peace

This speech was presented at the International Religious Foundation for World Peace conference, December 18, 1998, Washington, DC.

We live in the physical world, but we know that this is not the only world that exists. There is also the spirit world. The spirit world is a definite reality. We also know that these two worlds-the physical world and spirit world-are not meant to be disconnected from each other. They should be linked together as one single world.

We human beings, who were born from the spirit world, eventually return to that world. In Korea, we commonly use an interesting idiom in reference to death. When someone dies, we say, "he has returned." To where does he return? It is not to a cemetery. We mean that we return to the point of life's origin. We return across the vast expanses of history. In the process, we shed our nationality. We return to the world that brought forth the human ancestors. If a Creator exists, then we are returning to the world of the Creator. That is where we originated, so it is there that we finally return.

The universe is engaged in circular motion everywhere. For example, when the snow melts on the mountain, it forms a small stream. As it flows down, its volume increases until it becomes a river. Eventually it reaches the ocean. From the ocean it evaporates, completing the circle by returning into the atmosphere.

The School of Life

All beings desire to reach a higher ground, a better place, through circular motion. Where, then, is the better place we go to live eternally? While in the physical world, we live in our physical body Our mind, though, is headed toward the eternal world. We are born into this world, and we pass through our teenage years, our twenties, thirties, middle age, and we eventually reach old age. Ultimately, we come to the end of our lives, just as the sun finally sets on the horizon. Those who know that the spirit world exists, however, know very well that the time spent in our physical body is relatively short, and that the world we face after we die is eternal. They know that our life on earth is a period of preparation for the eternal world.

We are like students who must earn credits in all our classes so that we can fulfill our school's requirements. The school determines the extent to which its students meet its standard and decides whether it can recognize them. The further a student's credits fall short of the standard, the more removed that student is from the school's standard of value. In a similar way, the value of all beings is measured against a standard. Our life in the physical world is a period of preparation comparable to the time a student spends trying to earn good marks at school. In other words, we spend our entire life on earth preparing and striving to make good marks. We live each day of our life centering on a measurement. That measurement is in accord with a particular standard. We are accountable to that standard for our entire life on earth.

The Unity of the Spirit World

Most people in society do not know with certainty about the original world where we go after life in this world. They do not know whether there is life after death, or even whether God exists. Eventually, everyone goes to the spirit world. It turns out that the spirit world is a single realm. It is not divided into many countries, as is the physical world. Then, what is it like in the spirit world? We can compare it with the water that serves as the environment for fish. Water is an absolute condition for the fish to live. That doesn't mean, however, that a fish will spend its entire life in one place. A fish that lives in fresh water cannot spawn if it remains in its river. It has to leave the fresh water and come into contact with salt water in order to lay its eggs. It thus passes through two worlds. In the same way, our mind, part of spirit world, and body, part of the physical world, must be interconnected.

At the beginning of human history, a realm of global unity should have formed in honor of Adam's birthday, the anniversary of his holy marriage and the anniversary of his death. Then humanity could have united as one people by our sharing in the commemoration of those days. Instead of dividing, humanity could have lived in a single realm. If this had happened, then Adam and Eve's way of life would have passed down through human history. The culture formed would have endured as long as human beings continued to exist.

The Value of Hope

Each of us goes through life ignorant of when we will die. We do not know that we won't die in a traffic accident. I think some people will die saying, "Oh, Reverend Moon was right!" expressing regret only at that moment. We need to know that we are travelling a very serious path in life. We need to use every second of our life to prepare ourselves for the eternal world. We should be aware that we are standing on such a fateful path.

When people go to spirit world, they can be divided into two general types. The first comprises those who live out their natural life in this world, and the second comprises those who experience an untimely death. Among the latter, some die as a result of punishment and others die in order to pay indemnity for the nation or the world. Suppose God established one person in a central position with the value of a thousand people. What if God made that one person go the way of death in the place of those thousand people?

In such an instance, the grace and virtue of the one who died in their place would move the hearts of the thousand people. They would determine to live for the benefit of that person, model their lives after that person, and live as he lived. If they did this, the thousand people would enter the same realm of grace as the one who died for them. The reason we try to follow the philosophy of patriots and model our lives after wise men is that we desire to enter the same realm of grace as these people.

Some people live with hope while others live without hope. We can divide people's hope and aspiration into two general types: that centered on human beings and that centered on Heaven. A newborn infant thinks that his mother's bosom is the most wonderful place in the world. At a certain point in its development, however, the child leaves its mother's bosom. As the child grows, he or she forms friendships, thinking himself happiest when he is with his friends. Eventually, though, the young person will leave his friends behind. During our life course, we come to discover that neither loving parents, nor a loving spouse nor even loving children can completely satisfy our hopes.

People have many kinds of hopes. Eventually, all these hopes pass away We have hopes for our family, hopes for our country and hopes for the world. But the reality is that as we grow older, our hope grows weaker. Some people boast that their hope represents the hope of all humankind, but find they lack the conviction to pursue it at the sacrifice their life. People fervently entertain many hopes during the course of their life. But when they face death, they abandon all their hopes. They desire to stay alive one more day. Day after day they wander in search of something new in which to place their hope. When they finally face death, though, all their hope fades away and they fall into despair as they set out on their final path. We know all too well that this is true.

Viewed as an individual, it may appear that a person possesses worthy aspirations. But no individual hopes live beyond death. In my view, it is important for all people on earth today to give serious consideration to one question. How can we find hope that will not collapse in front of death, but will transcend it? All things of this world will pass away Our families, nations, and even the world itself will pass away Ideologies and philosophies will pass away What is it that remains? Whatever remains, that is the hope that can defeat death.

We can consider a person who does not possess such a hope or aspiration to be defeated in life. There are people who, from the time they are born, reject all the hopes and aspirations of the secular world. These people embrace aspirations not of the human world but of Heaven, hopes that are eternal. Heaven helps these people. A life of faith does not embrace any aspiration that exists on earth. Instead, it embraces the hopes that surpass even the gates of death. It dreams of the world of eternal hope.

Overcoming the Fear of Death

Someday I, too, will die. When we are young, we don't think much about death. But we become increasingly serious about death as we grow older. This is because death is a gate through which we are inevitably destined to pass. But what happens to us after we die? Do you know why I am talking about death? I talk about death in order to teach the meaning of life. Who really knows the value of life? It is not the person who is going all out to preserve his life. The only person who really knows about life is the one who goes into the valley of death. He confirms the meaning of life as he desperately cries out to Heaven at the crossroads of life and death.

Why do people fear death? It is because they do not know the purpose for which we are born. Those who do not know why we are born do not know why we die. Therefore, the first questions philosophers ask are: "What is life? Why are we born?" If we think about it, we realize that when we die we are reborn into the midst of God's love. But in the human world, people cry out, "Oh no, I'm going to die! What am I to do?" They make a big fuss. Do you think that God laughs, "Ho ho ho!" when we die? Or do you think God cries out, "Oh no!" and is overwhelmed with sorrow? The truth is, He is happy This is because the moment of the physical body's death is the moment we experience the joy of leaving the finite realm of love in order enter the infinite realm of love. It is the moment of our second birth.

Then is God happier on the day we are born into the physical world, or at that moment we leave our physical body behind? At that moment, we are born a second time into the realm of the infinite expansion of love. We become His new children through death. Of course, God is happier at the second birth. I am telling you this because you need to know that you cannot have a relationship with God unless you are released from the fear of death.

Our Two Births

It makes God happy to watch and directly take part in our life. Consider how a baby is born and wets its diapers as it begins the process of growth. God is happy because as the child grows, the pulse of love that is in God's heart also grows. When God makes a face, babies imitate Him and make the same face. When God smiles, babies also smile, and when He is sad they also are sad. This is how babies gradually grow to resemble God. As babies grow, they also begin to resemble their parents. From their parents, they learn language and the rules for daily life. Of course, all these things have their origin in God.

So, after God has lived with us on earth and goes, whoosh, over to the other side, what are we supposed to do? If we say, "Wait, God, I want to go with You," will He reply, "Who are you? I don't know you"? Is He likely to leave us behind like that? Or will He want to take us with Him? Of course, He will want to take us with Him. But when God says, "I can't take you with me now. I'll take you with me after you have grown a little more. I want you to work a bit more on your perfection," we can reply, "Well, we can't go now, but we are certain that there will come a time when we are able to go." Then we can wait for that day.

In our physical body, we are unable to follow God wherever He goes. It is only natural that we would aspire to resemble God. On His part, God also would want His sons and daughters to resemble Him. We must conclude, then, that God designed us to be born again into a body that enables us to resemble Him. God and human beings long for that eternal day when we can soar through the heavens together. The day we are born as beings who can take wing with God, the day we are born into that body, that is the day of our physical death. On that day we cast off the physical body like an old coat. Then, should we welcome death or fear death? The answer, of course, is that we should welcome death.

For what purpose, then, should we die? We should die for the sake of God's true love. That is the love whereby we seek to sacrifice ourselves for the benefit of others. We can conclude that the reason we cast off our physical body is so that we can participate in the realm of God's work of love. We die for the sake of the world of God's love.

Wouldn't you like to be born as God's real sons and daughters, who can receive and practice true love? If we could measure God's wealth, how rich do you think He would be? Have you ever thought about that? With all those stars in the universe, isn't it likely that there is one star that is a solid diamond? How about a star of pure gold? God is truly omniscient and omnipotent. Wouldn't He want His children to have everything? What do you think? God can go from one end of the vast universe to the other in an instant. Is this something that you would find interesting to do?

To gain that ability, what do we need to do? We must keep the laws that God has established for us. Only when we do so is it possible for us to be with Him. It is impossible if we just behave any way we want. Are you confident that you can refrain from doing what God tells you not to do? Human beings have a dual structure. The mind is the subject partner and the body is the object partner. It is necessary that the two become one, with the body subordinating itself to the mind.

Three Stages of Life

We go through three realms that correspond to the stages of formation, growth and completion. We go through the realm of water in our mother's womb, then the realm of the planet earth, and finally the heavenly realm of floating in air. We go through the period in the water of the womb and are born into the world. We live in our physical body in this world for about a hundred years, until we enter the world in which we fly through the air. We pass through these three realms.

When a fetus is in the womb, it resists leaving the womb for the outside world. It fights as hard as it can to stay in the womb. The reason is that when the fetus leaves the womb, its home is destroyed. All its nourishment and everything else it had in the womb breaks apart and flows away. Also, its head and body increase in size during the birth process. Who would want to go through something like that? Every fetus cries, "No!" right up to the moment of birth. Eventually the water breaks and the infant follows soon after.

As you watch a woman give birth to a child, you really have to feel sorry for her. Women who have given birth know what I am talking about. When the mother is pushing, it makes no difference how beautiful she may be. Her face contorts into all sorts of strange shapes. She makes such terrible faces that even her husband can't stand to watch and leaves the room. She makes just about every possible face. So, the mother, too, goes through tremendous pain up to the last moment in order for the baby to be born.

After birth, is it necessary to leave the umbilical cord connected to the baby's navel? Or is the umbilical cord chopped off without a second thought? Maybe someone should object, saying, "That cord is someone's lifeline. How can you cut a lifeline that connects one human being to another?" The newborn infant, too, cries at the top of its lungs because it thinks it is about to die. As God looks on, though, He can't help but break into a happy smile. From the viewpoint of the new life that has just been born, one world has just disappeared completely. Now it must breathe the air of its new world.

A child is conceived in the depth of water. The period in the womb is a period of existence in water. As long as the fetus is in its mother's womb, it is floating in water. At first thought, you might think the time in the womb would be difficult because the fetus cannot breathe. You would think that it would need a process of taking in and sending out water. This function is fulfilled by something like a hose attached to the baby's belly How does a fetus in the womb receive nourishment? It receives nourishment through its navel.

For the child in the womb, the navel functions as a mouth. So, we should not be disdainful of our belly buttons. Give your belly button a little rub and say, "Hey, belly button.

Thanks for working so hard back then." If you pat your belly button often, it is good for your health. No, seriously. It's a good way to exercise. It's good for your health to exercise your belly button. For example, a person sleeping in a cold room can avoid coming down with diarrhea as long as he keeps his belly button well covered.

The Breath of Love

We can refer to our belly button as our former mouth. Someone might say, "How foolish. Whoever heard of a former mouth?" There's no denying the fact, though, that your belly button once functioned as your mouth. The belly button also acted as a breathing apparatus. Your present mouth fulfills that function here on earth. The function has moved up on your body. The same function is as necessary for the spirit self as it is for the fetus in the womb.

The spirit self is attached to the physical body that lives on earth by breathing air. It lives off the physical body until the body grows old. Then the spirit self kicks the body away and tries to separate. If at that moment, the body cries out, "No, I don't want to die! I won't die!" how will God react? Will He feel sorry for the physical body, because of the pain it is enduring? Or will He quietly smile?

The child who experiences pain in order to emerge from its mother's womb grows to become the object of its parents' love. In the same way, our spirit self must leave behind our crying physical body in order to be born anew as the eternal object of the God who is a spiritual being. This is a conclusion based on the Principle. On earth, too, the baby can become the friend of its father and mother after it is born. This is because it is born into the physical world where it can share love with its father and mother. In the same way that the fetus swims around the mother's womb, life on earth is breathing and living in the swaddling clothes of air. Only when the baby shares love with its mother and father as it breathes air can we say it is alive. In the same way, we can share love with God our Parent, who exists as an eternal spiritual being, after we are born again into the spirit world.

What kind of place is the spirit world? When we enter spirit world, we begin to breathe through a hole on the top of our head and through our cells. The air in spirit world is not the air we have on earth. Instead, it is love. When a spirit person breathes, he or she inhales and exhales the nourishing elements of love. On earth, eating alone does not sustain our life. When we eat and drink, all we are doing is filling our sack with food and water. Eventually, we will die. The form we take during life on earth is our second existence. While on earth, we need to develop our character of love. Therefore on earth, the thing we need most is love. What is an orphan? Why do we call a child who cannot receive love from a father or mother an orphan? It is because such a child lacks the love by which he or she can connect eternally with spirit world. When love is absent, we are lonely That is why we feel sorry for a person who lives without a spouse.

Death destroys our ability to breathe in the second stage, and connects us with the nourishment of love. We eventually have no choice but to leave the physical body behind. We cannot see love, but our internal structure develops centering on the love of parents, of husband and wife, and of children. Just as there is a normal development for a child in its mother's womb, there is a normal course of development on earth. We follow it by living in accordance with the laws of God. We cannot do it by living just any way we want.

Human Flight

If we examine the world of nature, we see that insignificant insects, seeds of trees and even baby birds can fly. Does it make sense that human beings, the greatest of all creations, cannot fly? Look at the dandelion. It is made so that its seeds will fly away when the wind blows. Birds fly, insects fly and the seeds of plants fly Surely, human beings also must have been created with a way to fly Someone might be tempted to complain, "God, why did you create us without the ability to fly when everything else in creation can fly?" God's reply probably would be, "Wait a few decades until you reach completion and then I will let you fly"

So, what should we be doing until then? We need to train ourselves to be able to adapt to the spirit world. We need to train ourselves by loving our parents, loving our spouse and loving our children. Then, when the time comes, we will enter the eternal world and live in attendance to God. For that to take place, we must put aside this physical body and die.

Look at the life cycle of the cicada. Before a cicada can fly, it goes through a larval stage. What would happen if the cicada said, "I want to go on living as a larva. I don't want to shed my skin. I don't care about land and air"? Even if it were resisting its transformation, once it shed its skin it would fly away.

A similar situation holds true with the dragonfly. First, it exists as a larva, swimming around in water. Then it crawls on land for a time. After that, it sheds its skin and flies away. It begins to eat insects that it never would have thought of eating while it was living on land. As it flies around, the entire world becomes its home. Many insects pass through three stages like this. That is why insects have wings. They develop wings through their life in the water, on land and finally in the air.

Human beings are the highest beings in creation, but do we have wings? Does living only on the earth satisfy us? Human beings have wings, but they are wings of a higher order. You may say you don't want to put aside your physical body and die. But once we die and leave our physical body behind, our spirit self passes through the blessed gates of our second birth and whoosh, we fly away

Crossing the Finish Line

As I have already said, we cannot avoid death. We have to be prepared to suffer in order to establish the good that is in us as our second self in the eternal world. A fetus in its mother's womb must receive proper prenatal care if it is to be born healthy and strong. In the same way, we need to prepare ourselves properly while on earth. We need to grow by modeling ourselves on the image of God, the heart of God and the divinity of God.

Once we are grown, we need to invest our lives to pass over the line of life and death. We must pass over even if we have to brave the fiercest storm. It is not enough if we do well most of the way and then fall just short of the finish line. What must we do when we find ourselves approaching life's finish line? Even if we run with our mind focused totally on the goal, we can't be confident we will make it all the way. If we wander aimlessly at the end, we will be ruined. We win victory only as we dash across the finish line.

It is an effort worth making for everyone born as a human being. No matter how much opposition there may be from behind, no matter how much persecution comes from the side, you just have to push forward one step at a time. There is no time to get entangled with the opposition. You have to keep going as quickly as you can, even one step at a time, in order to traverse your path of destiny to its end and finally cross the finish line. We all must go this way.

The Value of Righteousness

We often say that a person's heart is upright. What does this mean? When a heart is firmly vertical, we say it is upright. If a tree is lying on the ground, we don't say it is upright. The same is true when we refer to a heart as upright. The expression means that the heart is standing vertically That is why human beings walk upright. An object must be vertical in order to be upright. We must set our hearts in a completely vertical position. Then the body will be horizontal in relation to this. When the vertical and horizontal are set within us, the pulling power of the vertical and the pushing power of the horizontal will be in balance. There will arise centripetal and centrifugal forces. Thus, we need to find ourselves. When we assert ourselves, we should say that God and True Parents are also this way. On this foundation, we can expand our sphere of life through relatives, one clan and one nation.

Doctors quarantine patients who have dangerous communicable diseases. For the same reason, the time is not far off when we will send people who know the Will of God but continue to sin despite this knowledge into isolation near the North Pole or other arctic area. People thrown into such a place might not have a place to sleep or food to eat. They may go through immense suffering until they can genuinely repent.

There is one thing that makes me sad. God gave me responsibility to accomplish His will, so during my lifetime I need to accomplish His will to a level He finds acceptable. Until I have done that, I cannot die. For that reason, when I am in the valley of the shadow of death, God leads me out of danger. Whether I am eating or fasting, whether I am asleep or awake, I am always praying for the world and humankind. My suffering is not for the sake of a particular country or people. My objective is the salvation of the world. I have worked to this day and I am ready to die if necessary. I have sacrificed my life so that this objective might be achieved. You, also, should live and die for the sake of the world. If it is for the sake of world salvation, you must even be prepared to die with your wife, your family, your clan and even your entire people.

Face to Face with Death

Some day in the future, you will die. When you stand face to face with death, you will look back upon your life. You need to think what final words you will leave behind at that moment. On the path of death, your friends will not be with you. Your loving parents will not be there, nor will your loving brothers and sisters. Your spouse and children whom you love so much will not be with you. It is a path that you will take alone.

No one can go down that path twice. Once you have gone, there is no coming back. Once you take that path, you cannot return in all eternity The heart that you have as you walk that path is important. When that moment arrives and you are face to face with death, if you do not possess the hope that can transcend death, that will be the end of you.

In history there have been many people who upheld and established God's will. They did not retreat when they faced death. Instead, they laughed in the face of death and valiantly transcended death. We know well that these people paved our way to Heaven. What kind of person is it who is joyful even when passing over the hill of death, the moment that drives most of us into heartfelt sorrow? This is the kind of person who has heartfelt hope and aspirations for Heaven. For this reason, we must not reproach the world and lament when we face death. Instead, we should feel joy as we stand before heaven with pride in the value of our death.

What happens to us when we die? Up to the moment we die, we belong to ourselves. But as soon as we die, we belong to God. This is because we are born of a fallen lineage. Until our death, we lack the ability to cut our ties with Satan. After death, though, we establish ties with God. There is no resurrection without death. It is impossible to enter into the next period without first passing through the preceding one.

To what kind of death does the Bible refer when it says that those who seek to die will live and those who seek to live will die? (Luke 17:33, John 12:25) This does not mean that we should lose the eternal life given us by Heaven. It means that we should lose the life that is connected to the satanic world, inherited through the fallen lineage. That is why those who seek to die for the sake of God will live. This seems paradoxical. But from the perspective of the fall, this is the only way restoration can come about. This is the standard for discussing the possibility of restoration.

Wisdom and Foolishness

Success or failure in life is not determined over a period of decades. Rather, it is determined in an instant. If you look at the entire course of life, it does not take very long for a baby to be born. Of course, there is a period leading up to the birth, when the fetus is in the womb. Those ten months in the womb are a time of preparation. The birth takes but an instant. The preparation may go well for the entire ten months, but if something goes wrong at the decisive moment of birth, the infant will meet a tragic end.

After living out our life on earth, we come face to face with our moment of fate. We will see our entire life flash before our eyes. The one who can say, "There was truth in my life" and "I am leaving behind something more valuable than my life," is a person who has spent his life in a worthy manner. On the other hand, the person who starts to recall the past and begins to shake his head over things he would rather not remember, is a tragic person. For some people, the more they remember the greater the expression of joy on their face. If all their problems can be buried in the ideal, death will actually be a comfort. The moment of recalling the past will not be filled with fear. If they are leaving something behind, then that past record will not die and its reality will not die. Instead, these things will be made manifest. The people whose past allows them to do this are without a doubt people whom the nation can follow. They are the ones whom the people of the world can follow.

We need to consider whether we can stand alone before God. Truth and goodness begin with a particular individual but they do not end with that individual. Once truth and goodness have begun in a particular person, they must bear fruit in another person. Or, they can begin in another person and bear fruit in me.

If a person spends her life giving to others, then she will have no fear on the path of death. She has given everything and sacrificed herself for others. She has led a life that is close to truth; she has shed tears for others and she has invested her life for others. If a man's aspirations are for others, all the life force coming from his pulse is focused and invested for the sake of others. If this is the case, then this person's past is one of glory.

The path taken by the wise is different from that taken by the foolish. A wise person tries to live in partnership with history, in partnership with the present world and in partnership with the future. A foolish person lives for the self and tries to make the world exist for his or her own sake. There is a global environment characteristic of the spirit world, and within it are nations, clans, families and individuals. An individual cannot enter Heaven without a self-motivating character by which he or she is absolutely indispensable as an individual. The family or clan cannot enter Heaven unless they can say that they possess a self-motivating character that makes them indispensable on the family or clan level.

How to Go to Heaven

Compared with spirit world, Earth is but a speck of dust. The spirit world is an eternal world, transcending time and space. If a spirit person commands, "The person who lived in such and such an age with such and such a heart, please come forward," then that person will appear in an instant. It is a world in which feelings and intuition turn into reality. There are no factories there to produce food. There are no automobile factories. There is nothing like that.

To register yourself in spirit world, you need a certificate based upon your life on earth. How are you going to obtain it? I'm talking about a certificate of life that will let you say: "This is what I became. This is what I did." You cannot just make your own certificate. First, Satan has to write one for you. After you receive that certificate, you have to receive one from Jesus. Finally, you have to receive a certificate from God. You will need these three certificates.

When you go to spirit world, you will find that it is made up of three very large realms. Those who lived for others will go to the highest level. Those who lived for themselves, however, will find themselves on the lowest level. They will find that everyone is opposing them, whereas everyone will welcome those who lived for others.

Once you are in spirit world, your parents and spouse cannot help you. The people in the highest levels are those who lived for the sake of others. In the uppermost tiers are those who traveled throughout the world living for others with a heart that expanded their love for their mother and family With a saintly heart, they are always looking for ways to save the people of the world from evil.

The one who lives for himself goes to Hell, and the one who lives for others goes to Heaven. People separate into these two worlds at death. Thus, we must live for the sake of the whole, for the sake of the greater good. Live for the sake of the world, for the sake of God and for the sake of human liberation. Someday competitions will take place to see who can live for the sake of others to a greater degree. In the heavenly world, the person who has lived for the sake of others will go to the higher position. Thus, you can leap to a higher position by living for the person who is higher than you are. Living for that person is the same act as God bringing forth His own object through His creative act. Thus, that person comes to stand as your object partner of love.

The Value of Living for Others

In the spirit world we live for others, centering on true love. If you encounter a person who has dedicated 100 percent of his life for the sake of others, then you have to say, "Please move past me, go ahead." It doesn't matter how great the United States seems to be. A person who dedicates his life for the people of America to a greater extent than your President does can move past the President and be welcomed.

When a person only cares about his own interests, he is everyone's enemy. It is the same way in spirit world. When a person says he will live for something greater, then he will naturally move past others. One who lives for the sake of the world does not need to worry about living for America, because America is included in the world. All countries are included in the world. The conclusion can only be that true love, by which a person lives for the sake of others, is the only content and direction that everyone can welcome.

When you die, you must take with you three accomplishments. One, that you loved God. Two, that you loved yourself and worked hard to establish your essential self. And three, that you worked hard to expand the love you shared with your spouse and your family to the entire world. This love for humanity and for God will remain forever. It will define your right to ownership in the next world. When you enter spirit world, the number of people you evangelized will determine your right to ownership.

In the spirit world, pride wells up over the extent to which you longed for people with your life. You do not need anything else in the next world. The only thing you need is the record that you loved God more than the world, more than your country, more than your spouse and more than your children. If a wife wants her husband to love her with godly love of a higher order, then she has to say, "Please love God more than you love me, and then love me."

The Family and Spirit World

I often preach about the realm of the heart. The foundation for the realm of the heart is the love of true parents, the love of true brothers and sisters and the love of true children. The world of the heart is one in which we universalize these types of love. In this original world, a person can live by the standard of husband and wife love, but theirs must be a husband and wife love that gives primacy to Heaven and earth and to the cosmos.

So, where do we go in order to establish a foundation to qualify for that world? We must lay this foundation in the physical world. We are not to spend our time here for the sake of all those things valued by this world. We are here to qualify ourselves for the next world.

That is the basis for the principle that we live as families in the spirit world. Why do we need to have children? The vertical love of God and the horizontal love of parents bring descendants into this world. This is a vertical and horizontal mixing of the blood of God and the parents. Thus, people who were unable to have descendants on earth will not be able to harmonize Heaven and earth in the spirit world. They will be unable to keep step with the rhythm of north, south, east and west. A person who has no descendants will have no place to rest or play in the next world.

Religions and Nations in Spirit World

In spirit world, there is no need for religion, much less for denominations. There is no need for entities such as the Presbyterian Church or the Catholic Church. People there are in the realm of life together with God. In that realm are people who loved the world, patriots and loyal subjects, women of virtue, and saints. As far as I am aware, however, there is as yet no one who lived his or her life in the original love of God, centering on the tradition of the realm of the heart.

Whenever you begin a task, you should begin it centering on God. Whether you go to Hell, the middle spirit world, Paradise or the Kingdom of Heaven, is determined by the extent to which you harmonize with this principle. The most precious path on earth is that which endures the greatest amount of suffering and sheds the most tears for the sake of Heaven. That is the path that will bestow the freedom to enter the next world.

In the next world, people of different nationalities cannot live together, but true followers of all religions can live together. The religious sphere is one of longing for one world and believing in one God. Thus people of true piety will be together. The uniqueness of people of faith is in their living their entire life based upon the standard of the spirit world. Religion teaches us how to relate with each other centering on the eternal world, the transcendent world, the dwelling place of the Divine Being-whether we call Him God or by some other name.

God's Call to World Leaders

There is a reason for my speaking to the participants in this gathering about the value of life in relation to issues having to do with life and death. You represent religions that are active throughout the world. I want to stress that it is religious leaders' responsibility to teach about life and death correctly.

Today, the political leaders of the world are seeking to realize peace and prosperity through the United Nations. In my judgement, however, the path to world peace will be incomplete if we build it merely upon the political, economic and military functions of the United Nations. Political, economic and military powers can deal only with that which is external, physical and material. We can reach the internal and spiritual aspects of life only through religious teaching and through the unity and united actions of the world's religions.

I would like to take this opportunity today to supplement the existing United Nations with a structure in which the UN and leaders of the major world religions can work together. I hope that the participants here today, and all the nations of the world, will seriously consider this proposal to establish a structure encompassing the world's religions and the United Nations.

My dear Leaders and Distinguished Guests, I want to again express my appreciation that you have taken time from your busy lives to attend this important meeting. May God bless you and your families. Thank you.


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