Sunday, August 18, 2024

What Shall You Do When I’m Gone?


What Shall You Do When I’m Gone?

Sun Myung Moon
September 24, 2008
North Garden, Kodiak, Alaska

What shall you do when I’m gone? I left you the Word in so many books. However, many of you don’t even purchase them. The Word will remain forever. The ideal son and daughters are those that have the proper relationship with the Word and with each other with balance.

Some members say: “I’m older and therefore I’m better.” This is the wrong attitude. We have to be the best by serving the most. You must take care of your health through moksa treatment and through the Happy Health machine. When you do the moksa treatment, it makes the skin dry and itchy -- that is normal -- so it is not easy.

Hoon Dok Hae is necessary. Through Hoon Dok Hae` you can overcome all difficulties and drive them out. Even after 1000 years only the Word shall remain. Once you stand upon God’s Word, you are in the central position, and you can and must go through all barriers.

Even for me to go over the hills of Satan I had to become one with the Word. I created these books because it [the Word] doesn’t belong to me. It is God’s Word and will remain forever. The secret to all humanity to get to God is to understand his Word. To go to God in heart we must liberate the world. To liberate yourself you must go beyond yourself.

I wanted to go fishing yesterday but Mother said that heavy rain, very strong wind and even a Typhoon would come!! So I didn’t go, however I found out that the weather wasn’t so bad. Why did Mother do that? Everyone is smiling, because Mother is constantly working to protect Father’s health -- the cold weather is not good for Father. (This is beautiful, it was in 2008! Unfortunately, in True Father's last year on earth, Han Hak Ja change her mind 🦔. From the time True Father went to spiritual world, Han Hak Ja never mentioned Sun Myung Moon's name; If she has done it, it was to bleme and criticize him)

Centering on God two persons can meet and develop more branches when they become True Parents. Because we lost True Love and True Lineage nothing could be established. Was there anyone who became a saint in history without God?

When you testify you must always testify to God. The key to success now is to educate people with the Chung Seong Gyeong and the Peace Messages. During my 60s 70s and 80s I received more persecution than all the years before. We must understand and know Father’s direction. Now the spiritual world is harmonizing. In Jin Nim is chairman of the U.S. movement and has the mission to unify the 12 children. I have sent 5 children to spirit world. I do not want any one of the True Children to work alone, they must unite and work together.

Our concern is to unify all religions and all denominations. The Abel UN is in the Abel position and the Cain UN is in the Cain position without God. How do we unite the family? It is through absolute sexual morality. If the family doesn’t practice absolute sexual morality it will never achieve heaven. (HJ Sean Moon's constant and most repeated message in his education speeches)

If we establish the Abel UN everything will be settled and everything will be accomplished. Blessed families must develop based on absolute sexual morality.

Israel was established through the shedding of blood from Cain and Abel through all of history. Israel had to overcome the shedding of blood to survive. The purpose of the 39 books in the Old Testament was to prepare for Jesus. Jesus should have overcome the Roman Empire. Heung Jin Nim had a special ceremony in the spirit world. We can’t just say that I will go to heaven. We must end all the shedding of blood between brothers. Michael Jenkins, do you understand? Old Testament is the story of bloodshed and indemnity. We must overcome all the obstacles to pay indemnity.

Jesus’ family was to overcome, John the Baptist’s family was to overcome. All their sacrifices led to Father’s family. Historically this never happened before. All the conditions lost in Jesus family were restored by True Father’s family. The Old Testament Age and the New Testament Age is to restore Adam’s family. Now we are in the Era after the coming of heaven. Adam’s family is restored. Now is the time in America that we must restore the Roman Empire. We must open the gate through restoration. Therefore in order to reach the United Nations we must restore America.

When you get the blessing, you are to start your family with the three-day ceremony.

When someone meets a blessed family in the spirit world they will be asked about three-day ceremony. Mrs. Pak, Rev. Pyung Hwa Kim, Michael Jenkins, all blessed families, you did not have the conditions that were necessary -- so through surviving the life-or-death trial I made the condition necessary for humanity to stay on course to the peace kingdom.

The Abel UN must be established. You must give all to make the Abel UN. Dr. Yang did Inter-religious activity in America through the ACLC and helped lead the way to the Abel UN. True Father is looking for the first, second and third president that can be established in this dispensation.

America -- South America and North America must unite. England is one of the key nations of the world. This is the Queen’s country. So Japan is really the younger sister nation. Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau. Jacob had four wives. Leah, Rachel and two more. There were Cain and Abel there.

In America many believe in Rev. Moon. Three generations couldn’t go forward in Communism. Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il will finish it. Now is a most serious time that you must know. Rev. Moon can embrace Kim Jong Il and help him. There are some who say that Kim Jong Il used Rev. Moon. That is not the case.

All religions rejected Rev. Moon. Right now is a most serious time. We have to understand. Now is the time to open the gate. Abel and Cain, brothers and sisters -- there is a principle about how to bring them together. My brothers and sisters and even my mother rejected me. My wife could not follow and Sun Jin emerged. In the Second Advent the son and daughter can never go to Satan’s side. They do not have to sacrifice the same way as the True Parents. Our job is to protect them.

This time in the helicopter accident there is a profound restoration of 4000 years of history. Jesus was the King of Kings, and yet he lost his family. Mrs. Pak, you must also think about the Abel UN. Cain’s lineage and Abel’s lineage must be united. God always sacrificed Abel’s lineage and walked the way of restoration. This is very logical. Do you understand or not? Therefore, the three-objective purpose must be understood. Jesus went through the cross to sacrifice everything.

The Second Advent’s job is to take care of America centering on true love. Rev. Eu do you understand? The Pacific Rim era is also a total emergency. Italy and France... Syria is connected to France -- this is the same as Babylon. Pak Chung Hae, Kim Pyung Hwa, Michael Jenkins do you understand? This is very important. Mrs. Pak do you understand the importance of South America? They are Catholic. Therefore I leave from Alaska tomorrow. A new age has begun. America is developing space technology, this is important. Now that can go to help Korea. America’s technology cannot be kept for itself only. God gave it so America could develop the world.

Right now is a most serious time. I am taking each step according to the providence. You must go back and support Mr. Joo.

Neh Ba Da - my Ocean. 43 countries, three years we can make the world into one. We have to make this develop in three years based on 43 countries. Which country to decide.

Federation of Island Nations -- I made it. America, Korea, Japan (Pacific Rim).

Six countries were divided in WWII. Abel UN is to unite these centering on Korea. Why did Japan become the Eve country? It rejected Father but Father restored it.

The Bering Strait project connects Abel and Cain. America and Russia. The Peace Messages are calling for the whole world to unite under God. We must unite under Cain and Abel UN to develop. I must set the condition in the Pacific Rim -- in Alaska, Hawaii and Korea. The Pacific Rim is the mother’s womb and a huge education process must occur here.

What kind of country is America? The Second Israel and Elder Son’s Nation. South America is Cain, North America is Abel. England is connected also.

* Because these words are for public, I shared few comments with the public that are in red colors. Just to remind the reader that Sun Myung Moon activities whatever they are, are based on the Words, God's Words: 

"What shall you do when I’m gone? I left you the Word in so many books. However .... The Word will remain forever. The ideal son and daughters are those that have the proper relationship with the Word and with each other with balance".

"I created these books because it [the Word] doesn’t belong to me. It is God’s Word and will remain forever. The secret to all humanity to get to God is to understand his Word. Even ..... Even after 1000 years only the Word shall remain".

Finding a more deeper understanding, it will be interesting to read this speech in original Korean language!

Saturday, September 2, 2023

The correct attitude of faith towards God

The correct attitude of faith towards God

Then what is the reason that God has been working in history for 6.000 years? It was for the purpose of embracing the whole of history in His bosom. God Has been wishing that not just earth but even the spirit world will become one with the whole through His love. He has been longing for that one day. If you want to receive grace from this God, Then you must pray, “Father! Please call on me.”

God’s love must never end with you. What you must understand today is that the grace that God gives is not only for your own sake. At the same time it saves your life, it is also for the sake of saving the whole of humanity.

Nonetheless, because the people of today live centering on themselves, though many people want to find God, there is almost no one who receives this grace. You must free yourself from this. You must penetrate through it and dismantle it to serve God as the cosmic God. Before this universal God, you must feel the responsibility that penetrates deeply into your minds and bodies. The garden of hope that you believe in and desire is not just your garden of hope. The archangel feel because he tried to seek and believe in God centering on himself.

The God that the people of today believe in is both our God and the God of humanity. He is both our God and the God of the world. He is both the God of the world and the God of Heaven and earth. At the same time, he is our universal Parents.

However, if you examine the faith of the people who believe in Jesus today, they are saying, “Please be my God,” and those who are a bit better than that do no more than say, “Please be my family God.” Rising a bit higher from this are those who say, “Please be the God of our denomination.” We should never have these kinds of concepts.

There are many denominations in the world today that are crying out for God. However, we do not need the God who is sought within a denomination. Only when people gather who transcend the denominations and call out to him as their father centering on the whole of heaven and earth, can humankind attend God on earth.

Therefore, we today must let the concepts we have be linked to the whole through our families. You who have embarked upon a new road must abandon your life up to now and make a new and historical departure toward the concepts of universal life.

At such time, the attitude that you should have is the heart that can attend the substantial presence of the universal God. By doing so, you can receive the love of God and build the relationship of giving and receiving with God. At such a moment, you can finally consummate the ideology of the universal bride.

After consummating the ideology of the universal bride, you can go seeking the restored world. But you can appear as the bride before the substantial manifestation of the universal God only after restoring the people and brothers and sisters and the children and the couples. Only when you reach that position can you stand before the substantial manifestation of the universal God centering on the love of God that springs out there and become one with that love. The couple who comes together in this way is the couple who can dominate this earth and live in the kingdom of heaven. Moreover, only after you have children as this kind of a couple can you build the family of the Kingdom of Heaven. When you form a people with these brothers and sisters and children, you can finally bring the dispensation of restoration to a conclusion and live the life of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Likewise, the great movement of restoring the Kingdom of Heaven is exhibited through you of today. Therefore, you must increase your efforts toward the realization of that will and never become servile before Satan. Just as Jesus Christ did all that was possible as the loyal subject and filial son of God, we must also complete our duties as the loyal subjects and filial sons.

Excerpt from Sun Myung Moon Sunday speech, December 30, 1956

Friday, July 21, 2023

The Will and I

The Will and I

Sun Myung Moon
April 1, 1988 Belvedere
Translator - Col. Sang Kil Han

The whole of humanity, as well as the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms, has a certain mission to fulfill. Since God is the Creator, He must have a certain plan or pattern for what He wants to accomplish, according to His will. However, we often feel that we would like to do things only the way we want to do them, according to our own will. There is no difference between the races as far as this feeling goes. Oriental or Westerner, rich or poor, everyone has the urge to do as they like.

There are many different classes and levels of people among the five billion people of the world, from the lofty to the lowly. We all think we exist separately or independently from other people or groups, but we do not exist that way. Americans are ancestrally connected to Britain, Europe, and Africa. Beyond that, we are connected to all of history. We are not alone. We are not independent. Have you ever stopped to think that your eyes are not yours alone? Your father's eyes, your mother's eyes, your grandparents' eyes, and all your ancestors' eyes are in your eyes. They are a part of all history.

When we go out on the street in the springtime, we see women dressed in all different colors, shapes, and designs. Each one wants to stand out from the crowd and be unique, doesn't she? People like to feel, "I do not belong to anyone. I am completely independent. I don't have to be influenced by anyone." But to think like that is to no avail, because it just isn't so.

While every one of us exists as "I," as an individual, we are never alone and independent or detached from others. We are a part of the whole of mankind, the whole line of history, and "I" exist in the center of that.

We All Have a Proper Place

Let us consider that we are all like works of art in an exhibition. If the world is a museum, then "I" am one of the exhibits. Each exhibit must stay in his position. No matter how valuable an object is, or no matter how valuable an individual may be, if he does not stay where he is supposed to and wanders around according to his own will, he is immediately valueless because he is not serving his purpose.

We all have a proper place and should not go just anywhere we feel. If I stay where I am supposed to stay and go in the direction true human beings are supposed to go, then I, as a representative of all human beings, will be cherished by the universe.

Leaders should be in the leaders' position. If a leader leaves his position on his own and goes somewhere else, he loses his value. He is the same person, but if he is in a different position, he is not as valuable there. When a leader leaves his proper place and goes the wrong way, the other people feel, "I wish he wasn't my leader." In the same way, parents have certain expectations of their children. They want their child to do what he is supposed to do and become successful in life. But what if that child becomes involved with the wrong things and makes trouble all the time? The parents might think, "Oh, I wish that child wasn't mine." Is it because the parent is unloving that he thinks this way? No. We can understand that parent's heart. It is because the parent knows universal law; he knows which way his child should go. His original mind and conscience know, and when that child goes astray, he feels a great deal of pain.

This situation extends to the society and national level. Even a country is supposed to go in a certain direction. If it doesn't, we may wish that country just didn't exist. Look at the powerful communist countries. A few decades ago, some people briefly thought that communism was the highest ideology, but time has proven that communism is not going in the direction of mankind's ideals. Now they are saying, "Communism must contain itself; it must not spread." Even many of the communist countries themselves think that communism should be dissolved.

Why is this? It is because the conscience of each individual human being knows the original way he is supposed to go. We always have to check and make sure we are in the right position. If we are not, either we correct our position or our position is eliminated. We have to constantly ask ourselves, "Am I standing in a position where I will never be eliminated?" Do you have the confidence to say, "Yes, Father. I am where I am supposed to be. I am very sure about that. I must stay where I am because the world needs me and the universe needs me." This is a serious matter. Some people are not sure, so they have to find out where their leader wants them go. But suppose there is a person who is constantly checking himself and striving to go in the right direction, the unmistakable direction. He continually tries to bring himself more and more closely into the true position. Such a person is destined to be a leader of the rest of mankind.

What is the true way? The Orient has produced many saints. Confucius, Buddha, Jesus, and Mohammed all came from the East. But who is the saint of all saints? Christians would say Jesus, but wouldn't the Buddhists say Buddha? This could be confusing. Are there many different paths a human being must go? What if those four saints got together and tried to determine whose way was better. One thing they wouldn't say is, "My way is best." Instead they would each say, "I will ask Heaven and see which direction is the best of all." That is the difference between saints and ordinary people.

What about someone from the secular world? How would they come up with the best idea? They would probably form a Board of Directors and hire representatives. They would analyze their findings and come to a certain conclusion. Their answer may be right for a season. They may be right for that time in history, but for all other times it may not apply.

The founding fathers of America agreed upon a system of democracy. They saw very clearly that democracy was the only thing that would work. They tried to be very conscientious in creating their constitution and then they asked God if it was right. When they got the answer that it was, they ratified it. But that was 200 years ago. Look how much the environment has changed since then. Is what the people decided 200 years ago exactly right for now? Impossible. The American people should be constantly going back to God and saying, "Are we still all right?" Yet has there ever been a president who asked God exactly how to do things? No. Not here or anywhere. Pragmatism has always served the immediate purpose. Pragmatism means doing not what God decides but what man decides is the most practical thing in the moment. We cannot be satisfied with pragmatism. We know there is something higher. Shouldn't we abandon secularism and humanism in hopes of reaching something more lasting and enduring?

When each of the four saints started out, each was quite confident that he was going in the most righteous direction. But eventually each came to realize that his way was not perfect after all. Today, the followers of each of these saints are fighting bitterly amongst themselves and against each other. That is proof enough that none of their ways is the ultimate way. Then how shall we resolve this? Where can we find the true way? We have to go back to Heaven and ask God what we should do.

More Precious Than Scripture

Why did I come to America? It is very simple. I knew that while the direction Christianity was going may have been right once, it is no longer adequate. The people need to be shown a higher way, a way that represents human beings and history more fully. The people need to be uplifted so that America can serve as a leader of the entire world. I came to America to provide that impetus. What if the four saints got together for a conference and, with God as the chairman, discussed how the world should be? First, there would be a debate, with each saint explaining his own view. Do you think they would come to a conclusion as to which was the true way in one month's time? How about a year's time? If God and the saints were at the conference table year after year with still no consensus, they would get exhausted and give up, wouldn't they?

Then would God, who is also getting tired of the conference, say, "Well, since we can't come to an agreement, I'll make the decision?" No. The four saints would say, "God, You can't go against the law of Your own creation, the law of man's responsibility." God would admit, "Okay, you're right. You four saints represent all of humankind, so you decide. Tell me, what do you think are the most significant teachings?" Jesus might say, "The Bible is the utmost direction-giver. Without the Bible we could never follow the true way of life." Then Mohammed might say, "No, we must decide everything based on the Koran." Then there would be even more serious debates. But think about it. What is more important and significant than those holy books? You Unification Church members are saints or near-saints or should be. What is more significant than the Bible, the Koran, or any book? What is the point about which all the saints would say, "Yes, I agree that that is the most important thing of all?"

Yes, it's true love. No one would oppose this. Even Satan knows this. The most important things are true love, true life, and true living. People have been so serious about the Koran and the Bible, yet the purpose of these books was to lead people to a conscientious way of life, the true way of life. The books themselves are not the goal.

Suppose these three things -- true love, true life, and true living -- came up for consideration as the most important things in the world. Would you, Confucius, and Jesus all vote for them? Yes, and all five billion people in the world would agree about these three points. Do you think anyone would find any objection to this conclusion, saying, "That's not enough?" Not likely.

How about God? Would God reject that conclusion? No, even God would have to agree. But should God say first, "This is what I know you need?" Or should the four saints go to God and say, "God, there is nothing more precious than this. This is what we are longing for. Please give it to us."

The True Love Direction

Today's topic is "The Will and I." What is the will of God, anyway? The will of God is that man should stand in a certain position and go in a certain direction -- the true love direction. That is what God wanted to express from the very beginning. If saints leave their position and go in a deviated direction, they no longer have anything to do with God or God's will. If the saints do not become one with the will of God, can they remain in the position of saints?

Imagine that the Unification Church is a big exhibition center where all the different things that God wants to see are exhibited. Shouldn't a person on display stay where he is supposed to stay and go in the direction he is supposed to go? Here is the American museum. But suppose the museum moves to Korea and all the objects have to be moved to the Korean museum. Will the objects say, "No, I don't want to go to the Korean museum. I am fine in the American museum?" What if the display were to go to Africa. Would the objects say, "No, I would rather not go to the African museum?" The purpose of the display is to show the whole world. If that person on display says such things, is that person connected with God's will or has he failed?

As a human being, actually as a saint, we must say, "There is a way I must go. There is a way I must follow, whether it be straight or winding. Whatever I may personally feel about it, still I am destined to go that way."

It is very hard to know God and stay with God, but at least we know the head of the museum, who can tell us where we are supposed to be. There are many religions and some are very good, but who is qualified to be the head of the museum of religion? All of the religions of the world have been separated. They have been fighting and they have been confused, but there is one that spends millions and millions of dollars plus time, effort and prayer to bring all the world's religions together.

In the religious world, people are saying that the only hope of the religious world is Rev. Moon. He has brought religious people to the point where they would rather worship together than apart. What is the purpose of the Unification Church? Is it to separate Buddhism from Christianity or to divide the Christian churches? No. The purpose of the Unification Church, of course, is to bring all the churches together into one.

Many churches still insist merely on the truth of their own scripture. But there is one church that places much more importance upon these three things -- true love, true life, and true living. Would God go to a place where utmost importance is put on doctrine or would He follow us here? Why? Because when people come here, they can always find their rightful position -- being an object to the true subject, God.

Perpetual Circular Motion

Once you have correctly established the position of subject and object, you can always talk to God. You are free in this position of object to God, and you can find real peace and security there. You are provided for; you have no worries. As long as you take these three things seriously, then you don't have to worry about anything else, because this is the will of God.

As you have noticed, the words "life," "love," and "living" are all abstract nouns. They do not have a shape. Therefore, God took time and great pains to make physical things out of His ideas. Men and women were created by God with substantial, physical bodies to be the embodiment of true love, true life, and true living.

Did God inject true life and love into man or did man inject it into God? God did it, therefore, He is the subject body. He is the center of being, the one who exists totally for the sake of others. This is the way God intended it. This is the philosophy that the Unification Church is teaching -- the philosophy of living for the sake of others. This is very, very important; this is the very essence of God's ideal.

What is true life? God is the center of life, and He invested His own life into the creation. That is true life. God invested Himself completely, not halfway. He did not keep some back. That is what "true" means. True life means that God has completely placed Himself into others.

True life is direct. It allows for no deviation. But if you just continue going straight ahead and never return, there can be no ideal. The ideal exists where there is perpetual circular motion, going out and coming back again and again, forever. With true life alone there can be no ideal. You need a response, or else there is no eternity. But true love has the power to make you turn around, so when you add true love to true life, the ideal is created. Look at little children -- they never want to just go in a straight line even for a minute. They want to go around and around. Aren't you that way too?

Why is love so precious and necessary? Because love brings you your object or subject. Why did God inject such preciousness-His own self and life -- into man? Isn't it because God also needs love? Does God take pleasure in always pulling you in one direction? Doesn't He need some response? When He pulls on you, wouldn't He want you to pull back on Him?

God invested in us until He had nothing left. He emptied Himself completely. That is the nature of being true. So we should give something back to Him, shouldn't we? How? By living for the sake of others. When you live for the sake of others, there is a force always coming back and igniting love.

Invest Yourself Totally

This is how God is: God invests everything into a being, and then that being experiences love. Then that explosive love will be returned back to the original Being who made all that investment. God created everything according to this principle.

Since God gave everything to man, a man should want to give everything to a woman. Then the woman will want to give everything back to the man, and the man will want to give everything back to God. Things are created that way. When this give and take action takes place in a lively way, then the two will come into complete unity and never separate. That is the focal point of God's love. When a man and woman are really in love and live in love, God is living there too. That is the most ideal place, the nucleus.

This is the secret of a subject-object relationship, the secret of being a spouse. Pour your love into your spouse; live for the sake of your spouse; do things for his sake, day after day. When he gets saturated, he may say, "Why are you doing all this? I don't want this," and he may even want to escape. But if you continue loving him, he will turn around and return your love. Love will grow. That is the Principle of Creation.

What are saints? Saints are the ones who are ahead of other people in realizing, practicing, and teaching this principle. In other words, saints are people who have expanded this realm of living for the sake of others. It's all part of the law of the creation. We must go and we must love. We must put all our love and everything we have into our families, into other people, and into the nation. This is the course we have to follow. Then this living principle will just go around and around and expand throughout space.

There is only one way for us to go. I, as an individual, must love my spouse and then bring all of society into oneness and later meet God. Then I will fall in love with God and jump into that love and live happily day by day. When I will really be living for the sake of other people, the society, and the nation.

If you are trying to find love, you are misguided. You cannot "find" love. It goes against the process of the law of creation to look for love. You have to invest yourself first. Have you done that? Have your poured your love into your spouse? Love is bound to come back to you as much as you have poured your life into the other. When that happens, love starts coming back.

We are establishing this tradition here on earth for the first time in history. I have lived for the sake of leaving this tradition behind. My life has been absolutely consistent with the will of God. 

I always invest myself wholeheartedly. I spare nothing. I always search out how I can give even more. Then all things start to follow me. At that point ownership begins. That is when you start to truly own things. 

A husband and wife may think they love each other and say they love each other, but they need to be patient with each other. If one disagrees with the other and gets offended and they start quarreling, that is obviously not love. Love emerges when we want to put our whole life into the relationship so there is nothing more to put in. After that love starts coming back. Then there is no more quarrelling.

The more we love, the more love and ownership will come to us. That is the living, daily philosophy of the Unification Church. When we practice this, we are guaranteed to be on the right path. Even if we do not realize where we are going, we are going in the right direction. Imagine a big family with many, many brothers and sisters and uncles and aunts and in-laws. Who is going to be the center of that family, the master of that house, in the future? It will be the person who invests the most into that family. It will be the person who gives everything he has for the sake of the other family members day in and day out without expecting anything in return. You can predict who is going to be the center of that household and be the true owner of everything. Everyone and everything will want to belong to that person.

We know we must love the world, but that concept is too vague. How do we love? This is something that Unification Church members must know. We have to put our life totally into what we are doing. This is what God has done for us. If we do that all things will want to belong to us. In order to own everything with love, give. Give all you have. This is our credo.

Don't say, "Where is love?" Don't say, "My husband must love me," or "I expect love from my wife." If you do, peace and love can never be realized within your family. There is no love until we put our love in. Do you understand? This is an amazing truth. On an individual level all the way up to the national level, we must love unto our very lives. If you put in everything you have, your investment will return as love towards you. How wonderful that is!

If you want to be a true mother or true father, you must ask yourself how much you have loved your children in a righteous way. Children who are loved absolutely will never want to leave you, even if you scold them. When everything comes back to you and wants to be owned by you, you can live happily every day. That is the ideal. God loves us, but we have to love God too. All things belong to God, and if we love God, all things also belong to us. There is no other way to own anything in the universe except through loving God. If we love God, we begin to own things.

Your Own Mind Knows

How do you know if you have invested everything? Your own mind knows before anyone tells you. You know whether you have given your 100 percent or not. Nobody needs to tell you. In the spirit world you will not be able to pretend, because everything will be revealed. Daily living for the sake of each other is the ideal. There is no other way you can find the ideal. Did you know that God tries to love even Satan? That is the amazing reality we must learn.

Every day I am so excited that I hate it when one day ends. I can't wait until the next day dawns. That kind of excitement is the ideal way. Unless and until we put everything we have into what we are doing, we cannot realize true joy. Just put in more and more everyday without thinking what will be returned. Then you will always have more and more -- never less. I have always followed this formula.

At the last moment you may feel you have done enough. Then insist on putting in one more bit of effort. This one step makes all the difference. When love owns you, you can't oppose it. You have to belong to somebody. How can you object to belonging to someone who truly loves you?

Do you think I'm a happy person? Why do you think so? Because I know that in the future, even Satan, even the communists, will not be able to oppose me. How can they oppose me when I love them?

What is the will of God? It is to fulfill the ideal of creation, which is to form a four position foundation and live for the sake of others. When you do so, all the love ownership comes back to God. If you fulfill this, you will have lived the will of God. Such a couple will be an ideal family and live happily ever after. This is the nucleus through which the whole world can be connected. The world is an extension of such a family.

The ideal life is putting everything we have into our ideal. No country will oppose this way of life; therefore, we can go anywhere and be welcome. This is the ideal; his is the will of God; and this is our philosophy. If we really live this philosophy, won't the world become the ideal world?

The secular world today has its philosophy: "I want to be loved. I'm going to take whatever I can get." With that philosophy, there can never be unity or peace. The Unification Church's teaching and God's formula is to live for the sake of other people. Then automatically, the world will come into unity.

How can we say that it will automatically come into unity? Because God lives that way. If we live that way, our unity becomes broader and broader. God lives the way I have described, and we are about to live the same way. This is the way I have always lived. There is no other way; there is no other secret but this. The proof is striking. Now we all see that the ideal world is at hand.

Do you say, "Oh, I expect the ideal world will come pretty soon. I don't need make any effort to live in that kind of world. When I die, I will go to heaven." If we think like that, we are no better than thieves. What is a thief? He doesn't work, yet he takes everything. You have to realize that you have come thus far because of the investment of True Parents. Without that investment, you would not be able to participate in God's world.

Not With Shame But Dignity

If we do not do enough, how can we stand in front of God? Our conscience will not permit us to. One thing we should never be in the future is ashamed of ourselves. I have always lived conscious of the fact that I could never lead a life I was ashamed of.

We need salvation. This is a very real situation. We want to be saved, and we will be saved, not with shame but with dignity. We cannot eat as we like; we cannot sleep as we like; we cannot say and do things as we like when there is the possibility that later we might be ashamed of that action. At this very moment, our brothers and sisters are losing their lives in the hands of Satan. How can we be complacent?

You must not just borrow this way of thinking and this way of life from me, but you must make it your own. You must be proud of the concept itself and live this life just as I do so that you can become true descendants. I do not just think this way, I live way. It is not just words; it is actions.

Now we know how we will achieve salvation and how we can be saved with dignity, without shame. We are all individual messiahs of love. When we practice love, love will come back to us, with ownership. That is reality.

Plant love and you will never perish. You may suffer, but you will never perish or be ashamed. Do you understand? Those who say, "Father, I understand deeply now and I will live the way of love," raise your hands. Let us pray.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

The Divine Principle Movement

Questions and Answers with Rev. Sun Myung Moon (March & April 1965)

The Divine Principle Movement

These questions and answers have been transcribed from tapes made during our Leader's sessions with members and guests at Centers throughout the United States during his trip in March & April 1965.

Question: Did we choose the Divine Principle, or did the Divine Principle choose us?

Answer: The Divine Principle chose you. The Divine Principle will find everyone on earth. It is a question of time. Since it is still early, the Divine Principle has found only a few people. Later there will be a spiritual hurricane, and people will spring up like mushrooms and respond very easily.

Question: How large is the movement now? How many members does it have? What sort of coverage does it have in this country?

Answer: The movement in this country is very young. I don't know how many members we have. Often in a religious movement, the number does not show the strength of the movement. For instance, Catholics have a greater number in their membership than any other single denomination, but that doesn't mean that it is the strongest movement. In this stage, number is not important. The important thing is what kind of tradition we establish for future generations. The early followers should set up a very high pattern of life and work so that others can follow. We want to set up a splendid standard of faith and life. The movement in Korea started in 1954. We have been stressing quality rather than quantity for the last ten years. In Korea, our movement is recognized by the government and the people as the strongest movement, full of spirit and dedication.

Question: Is the movement set up as a corporation?

Answer: For legal reasons only.

Question: How is your work financed?

Answer: Everyone makes his own living. It is our system that no one is paid. We don't want to be paid. If we are paid now, God will say later, "You have received your reward already." This is our own work. We are only happy to do it. How can we be paid by others? We all work and contribute funds which are used to publish our books and pamphlets for training and sending missionaries to new fields.

Question: Do you have study groups and worship services?

Answer: In Korea we do. We have worship services on Sunday, prayer groups on Wednesday evening, group meetings on Friday evening. Then there are other meetings such as young people, high school students, and college students. The women meet during the day. We lecture the Principle every night at the lecture hall. Here in America we do not do that yet, because of the small numbers in our Centers. We believe that our living itself should be worship and prayer. This 24-hour dedication to God is very characteristic of our movement.

Question: Are most of the people in this movement single?

Answer: No, we have many married couples.

Question: Is communal living necessary in order to embrace the Principle?

Answer: No, it is not necessary. Those who do it find it more effective in working for this cause. But it is not required. In Korea we don't even have enough space to contain all the members for a meeting, much less living together.

Question: Can you embrace the Principle and live by it without quitting your job and devoting full time to it?

Answer: If you give up your job, who will feed you? We have to make our own livings until our group is strong enough to finance and support full-time workers. At this stage, we all have to have some kind of living. Yes, of course you can live by the Principle and give your support to it without giving up your means of livelihood. Many of our most dedicated members have full-time jobs in executive capacities with companies which have nothing to do with Principle. But to really spread this work, some full-time members will be necessary. The Centers must be maintained, someone must lecture, some must witness. But I would also advise that some work and set an exemplary example for others to follow.

When you realize that this is the highest truth and a workable truth, then you are willing to devote your life to this precious work.

Question: When will this mission be fulfilled?

Answer: It depends upon the effort of the followers. If we do not work effectively and truly, it may prolong the time, But if we do our best, we can shorten the time.

Question: If you're working full time, are you required to fast?

Answer: Fasting is not a requirement. We like to do it because, by fasting, first of all your health is improved. Secondly, you gain spiritually. Thirdly, you can help others by fasting and praying for them.


If you regard our movement as just another denomination, you will be making a great mistake. This is not a denominational movement, this is not a sect, it is not just one religion.

To reach to the present time, I have had numerous witnesses from the spirit world through people on earth. When I was in prison in North Korea under the communist regime, I was not allowed to open my mouth on religious matters. There were three very intellectual young men in the same cell with me. But 14 men came to me with messages from the spirit world, and asked me if the testimony given was true. In that prison, I was watched so closely by the warden and the guards that they had to sneak in to talk with me.

This is the only movement which can save America. There is nothing else to do. The relationship between Moses and Jesus is like that between seed and tree. Without the seed, the tree cannot grow. Our mission is like the fruit of the tree. Without the tree, the fruit cannot be borne. By believing in and accepting Jesus, you have already fulfilled the Laws of Moses. By accepting the Divine Principle and acknowledging the Lord of the Second Advent, you have already fulfilled the Gospel of Jesus and Moses' Law. Without Moses' foundation, Jesus could not have come. Without Jesus' foundation, I could not have come, and could not fulfill my mission. By the fulfillment of my mission, I fulfill the missions of Jesus and Moses. We are not deserting Jesus or betraying him, but we are fulfilling everything. This is also true with other religions. Founders like Confucius, Lao-Tse, Buddha, and so forth, fulfill their missions through me. So they send me their followers. Our message includes the truth of all religions.

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